Girl Guides changes name from Brownies to Embers. Here’s why (2024)

Published 2023-01-12 13:08

Name change to be phased in by September

Girl Guides of Canada has changed the name of its Brownies program in an effort to be more inclusive.

On Jan. 11, the organization announced Brownies will now be called Embers.

Embers is the program for seven and eight-year-old girls.

See Also
The promise

Parents whose kids are in Girl Guides received an email explaining the change.

“With this new name, we hope even more girls will see guiding as a place where they can just be themselves, grow their confidence and explore their talents and interests,” the email said.

In November, the organization said the Brownies name had caused harm to some and had prevented some girls from joining.

They say the new name is expected to be fully phased in by September.

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With files from CBC News


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Girl Guides changes name from Brownies to Embers. Here’s why (2024)


Girl Guides changes name from Brownies to Embers. Here’s why? ›

Canada Girl Guides

Canada Girl Guides
Girl Guides of Canada is the largest organization for women and girls in Canada. The membership is organized into different groups according to age. These are Sparks (ages 5 and 6), Embers (known as Brownies before 2023) (ages 7 and 8), Guides (ages 9 – 11), Pathfinders (ages 12 – 14), and Rangers (15-17+) . › wiki › Girl_Guides_of_Canada
renamed Brownies
Brownies are the section in the Girl Guides (or in the United States, Girl Scouts) organization for girls aged seven years old to ten years old. Exact age limits are slightly different in each organization. › wiki › Brownies_(Scouting)
, new name Embers meant to be more inclusive The new name, Embers, was approved overwhelmingly by members and is meant to be more inclusive. Past and present Girl Guides said the old name caused harm and even prevented or delayed their joining.

Why did they change the name Brownies to embers? ›

The Girl Guides of Canada has renamed the "Brownies" branch - who are now called the "Embers" - after the old name was deemed too racially divisive. "Embers are full of potential and when they work together, they can ignite a powerful flame!" the Girl Guides of Canada (GGC) tweeted on Wednesday.

Are the Girl Guides changing the name of Brownies? ›

11, the organization announced Brownies will now be called Embers. Embers is the program for seven and eight-year-old girls. Parents whose kids are in Girl Guides received an email explaining the change.

What is Embers Girl Guides? ›

Welcome to Embers!

Fun activities for 7 and 8 year olds. Embers is a place for fun activities for 7 and 8 year olds. She'll have a blast with old and new friends using her imagination, exploring nature, gaining new skills and finding ways to “Lend a Hand” (The Motto) in her community.

What were Brownies originally called? ›

Brownies were originally called Rosebuds and were founded by Lord Baden-Powell after the younger sisters of the Guides and Scouts showed an interest in joining the Guide Association. The Girl Guides Gazette said that Rosebuds wore a dark blue skirt, knitted jersey, cap or tam and the Rosebud Brooch.

Are Girl Scouts still called Brownies? ›

All levels were changed to have Girl Scouts at the start of their name, e.g. "Girl Scout Brownies" instead of "Brownie Girl Scouts", and levels were changed to be by grade only instead of by age or grade.

Can boys join girl guides? ›

Young people who are boys or are non-binary and were recorded as male at birth are not able to join Girlguiding because Girlguiding is a girl-only space.

Why were the American Girl Guides eventually renamed to the Girl Scouts? ›

In 1913, just one year after its foundation, the Girl Guides of America had changed its name to the Girl Scouts of the United States of America. West, the Chief Boy Scout Executive, worried that use of the term “scouts” by the all-girls' group “trivialized” and “sissified” his Boy Scouts.

What are the Brownie sixes called? ›

A Six is led by an older Brownie called a Sixer, she is helped by another Brownie called a Seconder. All Sixers and Seconders are chosen as they are responsible, helpful and friendly. It is an achievement to become a Sixer or a Seconder and these Brownies are presented with metal badges to wear on their uniforms.

What are Girl Guides called in Canada? ›

Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada (GGC) empowers every girl in Guiding to discover herself and be everything she wants to be. In Guiding, girls from 5-17 meet with girls their own age in a safe, inclusive space to explore what matters to them.

What do Brownies mean in Girl Guides? ›

Brownies are the section in the Girl Guides (or in the United States, Girl Scouts) organization for girls aged seven years old to ten years old. Exact age limits are slightly different in each organization. Associazione Guide e Scouts Cattolici Italiani Coccinelle at Lombardy Regional Meeting.

Who won the embers story Girl Guides? ›

In the spring of 2023 Girl Guides of Canada hosted an Embers Story contest, and the new Ember story was inspired and co-created by the winner of the contest: Nora, an Ember in Manitoba.

How many years are embers? ›

Embers – 7-8 years. Guides – 9-12 years. Pathfinders – 12-14 years. Rangers – 15-17 years.

Why did they change Brownies to embers? ›

Girl Guides of Canada announced Wednesday it's changing the name of its Brownies branch to Embers in an effort to be more inclusive. The organization said in November it wanted to change the name of its program for seven- and eight-year-old girls to remove barriers for those who are racialized.

What does the name Brownies mean? ›

It was also a term for the Brownies, referring to Girl Scouts who are aged seven to ten. The term was taken from a story about the brownie. The word brownie is also a diminutive English word for someone with the surname Brown or for the color brown.

What is the motto of the Girl Guide? ›

The Motto, 'Be Prepared', shares the Founder's initials and is a practical reminder of the educational purposes of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting.

Why are Brownie fairies called Brownies? ›

They received their name from the fact that they are usually described as brown-skinned and completely covered in hair. In the earliest traditions, brownies are either the same size as humans or sometimes larger, but, in later accounts, they are described as "small, wizened, and shaggy".

What is the old version of Brownies? ›

Did you know that Brownies were originally called 'Rosebuds'? Rosebuds was established in 1914 for girls to join before they became Guides. Just one year later, the name was changed to Brownies. Brownies are the second-youngest members of the Girlguiding family, for girls aged between 7 and 10.

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