Pie Baking (2024)

Chapter 3: Bake

Fashioning a good crust is only half the challenge in baking a great pie. You want filling that’s just the right flavor and consistency, a neat crimp to hold it all together, and just the right amount of time in the oven to brown both bottom and top crusts. Learn what to do after you’ve laid down your rolling pin and selected your filling — in this case, peaches.

Bring it all together

In Crust, you learned to mix and roll your dough to create a wonderfully flaky, tender pie crust. Once you’ve mastered pie dough, you’re ready to move on to filling and baking. We’ve chosen to feature peach pie, an American classic; but what you learn here is easily transferable to any flavor of pie. And in Inspiration, we'll give you the tools you need to polish your pie presentation skills.

1. Trim the top crust

For our Double Pie Crust, use a pair of scissors to trim the bottom crust to within 1/2” of the rim of the pan. Once you've added the peach filling, roll the top crust into a 12” round, and center it atop the peaches.

Pie Baking (1)

2. Crimp

Bring the top crust down and over the edge of the bottom crust, pressing the two together to make a ridge of dough all around the inside rim of the pan. Using the tines of a fork, gently press the crust down onto the pan’s rim all the way around the circumference of the pie. Or make a taller “finger crimp”: Using the pointer finger of one hand on one side of the ridge of dough, and the thumb and pointer finger of the other hand on the other side, press to make even indentations along the entire edge of the pie crust.

Tip: At this point, it helps to return the pie to the refrigerator for 20 to 30 minutes; this chills the fat, which ultimately increases the crust's flakiness and helps the crimp hold its shape.

3. Garnish and vent

Garnish the pie, if desired, by brushing with milk or water and sprinkling with coarse sparkling sugar. Vent the pie by making a series of 3" to 4" parallel cuts in the top crust; feel free to do something more decorative if you like.

Pie Baking (2)

4. Bake

Preheat your oven to 425°F. Place the pie on a parchment-lined baking sheet (to catch any drips), and put the pie and baking sheet onto the lowest rack of your oven. Bake the pie for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 350°F and bake for an additional 60 minutes, until the filling is bubbly and the crust is golden brown. Check the pie with about 15 minutes left; if it’s already perfectly browned, tent it with aluminum foil for the remaining baking time.

Pie Baking (3)

Tip: Why the initial high oven temperature? Pie crust gains its flaky texture from the fat in the dough melting and producing steam — which happens most quickly and effectively at a higher temperature. Reducing the oven temperature after about 15 minutes allows the pie to bake fully without danger of burning. However, if the edge of the crust looks like it's browning too quickly towards the end of the bake, cover it with a pie shield or strips of aluminum foil.

5. Cool and enjoy!

Remove the pie from the oven, and set it on a rack to cool. The filling will be quite liquid at first, but will set as the pie rests. If you want the pie to slice cleanly, without oozing filling, allow it to cool completely before serving; this will take at least a couple of hours. To serve warm rather than at room temperature, reheat your cooled pie, tented with aluminum foil, for about 20 minutes in a 350°F oven.

Pie Baking (4)

Tip: What’s the best way to tell if your pie is done? For fruit pie, the top crust will be golden brown, and you’ll be able to see filling bubbling around the edges and/or through the vents. For best results, let the filling bubble for at least 5 minutes before removing the pie from the oven.

Pie Baking (21)

Next: Inspiration

Once you’ve nailed the basics, enhance your pie presentation with an expert approach to stunning top crusts.

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Pie Baking (2024)


Pie Baking? ›

Place the pie on a parchment-lined baking sheet (to catch any drips), and put the pie and baking sheet onto the lowest rack of your oven. Bake the pie for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 350°F and bake for an additional 60 minutes, until the filling is bubbly and the crust is golden brown.

What temperature do you bake pies at? ›

1. Preheat the oven to the temperature that your recipe recommends. Most fruit pies bake at a temperature between 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). Some recipes call for baking the pie in a 450 degree F oven to begin with, then turning down the oven to about 350 degrees F.

How long to bake pie crust at 375 degrees? ›

Chill the crust for 30 minutes; this will solidify the fat, which helps prevent shrinkage. Bake in a preheated 375°F oven for 20 minutes. Remove the pie from the oven, and lift out the paper and weights. Prick the bottom of the crust all over with a fork, to prevent bubbles.

Can you bake a pie at 350 instead of 400? ›

ABSOLUTELY! If you have more time cooking at lower temperatures can be great because you will get more even cooking. Avoiding the burnt edges on your cake and the under baked middle (which sinks as it cools) is an excellent idea.

Should I bake the bottom pie crust first? ›

But the one surefire way to make certain your pie's crust will be golden brown, crisp, and delicious — just as appealing as its filling — is to prebake it. That's right: bake the bottom crust first, before adding the filling.

What is the best oven setting for pies? ›

Pizza mode. This is a good setting when browning on the base is required for foods like pizzas, meat pies, fruit pies, focaccia and bread. It uses high heat and a combination of 'base heat' and fan or fan-forced where heat comes from the elements surrounding the fan as well as the bottom element.

How long does it take to heat up a pie at 350? ›

Heating Fully Baked Pies:

Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. Put the pie, turnovers, or pastry on a cookie sheet on foil or parchment, and lightly cover with foil. For a 9-inch pie, heat for 15-20 minutes. A 5-inch pie will take about 12-15 minutes and turnovers will take about 10-12 minutes.

How long to cook at 400 instead of 450? ›

Divide 400 by 450 to get the percentage difference of 0.89, or 89%. You will then take the initial cooking time of 60 minutes at 400 F, or 200 C, and multiply it by 0.89 to get 53 minutes.

How do I bake a pie without a soggy bottom? ›

Blind-bake your base before adding a filling to help to firm the base and avoid liquid being absorbed into it. Prick the base with a fork to help steam escape, cover with foil or parchment, and weigh it down with ceramic baking beans, uncooked rice or white sugar.

Should I cover my pie when baking? ›

Reducing the oven temperature after about 15 minutes allows the pie to bake fully without danger of burning. However, if the edge of the crust looks like it's browning too quickly towards the end of the bake, cover it with a pie shield or strips of aluminum foil.

What temperature should I Prebake my pie crust at? ›

If you are pre-baking a store-bought frozen packaged crust, I recommend following the directions on the package for how to pre-bake that particular crust. Most instructions will have you defrost the crust, prick the bottom of the crust all over with the tines of a fork, and bake at 375°F to 450°F for 10 to 12 minutes.

How can I keep my bottom pie crust from getting soggy? ›

Crust dust is a 1:1 mixture of flour and granulated sugar. When baking a pie, especially a fruit pie, a couple of teaspoons of crust dust sprinkled into the bottom of the crust will help prevent the crust from becoming saturated with juicy filling as it bakes.

How do you get a crispy crust on the bottom of a pie? ›

Choose the Right Rack in the Oven

Which rack you use in the oven can help ensure a crisp crust. Baking the pie on a lower rack will concentrate heat on the bottom of the pie and help the crust crisp.

How do you heat 4 and 20 pies? ›

Preparation instructions

Oven HEATING INSTRUCTIONS CONVENTIONAL OVEN Preheat oven to 180C (170C fan forced). Remove pies from packaging and place on oven tray. If frozen, heat for 40 to 45 minutes. If thawed, heat for 25 to 30 minutes.

What is the best oven position for pie? ›

A pie's place in the oven is on the bottom rack. The worst mistake you can make with your pie is under-baking the bottom crust—it makes for a soggy, doughy mess. Baking your pie on the bottom rack will ensure that bottom crust gets nice and golden brown. Speaking of which: bake your pie in a glass pie dish.

What is the safe temperature for meat pies? ›

Keep pies frozen until ready to cook, and only thaw in the refrigerator. Ensure a minimum internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) is reached when reheating before consumption.

What temperature do you bake a pie in a convection oven? ›

Pies typically bake at 375 F for approximately 1 hour and ten minutes, but when baking in Convection it's best to reduce the temperature by 25 degrees to avoid overcooking the edges.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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