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Review: SemiconductorPiezoresistance forMicrosystemsThis paper provides a comprehensive overview of integrated piezoresistor technology

with an introduction to the physics of piezoresistivity, process and material

selection and design guidance useful to researchers and device engineers.

By A. Alvin Barlian, Woo-Tae Park, Joseph R. Mallon, Jr.,

Ali J. Rastegar, and Beth L. Pruitt

ABSTRACT | Piezoresistive sensors are among the earliest

micromachined silicon devices. The need for smaller, less

expensive, higher performance sensors helped drive early

micromachining technology, a precursor to microsystems or

microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). The effect of stress

on doped silicon and germanium has been known since the

work of Smith at Bell Laboratories in 1954. Since then,

researchers have extensively reported on microscale, piezo-

resistive strain gauges, pressure sensors, accelerometers, and

cantilever force/displacement sensors, including many com-

mercially successful devices. In this paper, we review the

history of piezoresistance, its physics and related fabrication

techniques. We also discuss electrical noise in piezoresistors,

device examples and design considerations, and alternative

materials. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of

integrated piezoresistor technology with an introduction to the

physics of piezoresistivity, process and material selection and

design guidance useful to researchers and device engineers.

KEYWORDS | MEMS; microfabrication; micromachining; micro-

sensors; piezoresistance; piezoresistor; sensors


Piezoresistive sensors are among the first Micro-Electro-

Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) devices and comprise a

substantial market share of MEMS sensors in the market

today [1], [2]. Silicon piezoresistance has been widely used

for various sensors including pressure sensors, accelerom-

eters, cantilever force sensors, inertial sensors, and strain

gauges. This paper reviews the background of semicon-

ductor piezoresistor research (Section I), physics and limi-

tations (Section II), applications and devices (Section III),

and newer promising piezoresistive materials (Section IV).

A. HistoryWilliam Thomson (Lord Kelvin) first reported on the

change in resistance with elongation in iron and copper

in 1856 [3]. Telegraph wire signal propagation changes

and time-related conductivity changes, nuisances to tele-

graph companies, motivated further observations of con-

ductivity under strain. In his classic Bakerian lecture to

the Royal Society of London, Kelvin reported an elegant

experiment where joined, parallel lengths of copper and

iron wires were stretched with a weight and the dif-ference in their resistance change was measured with a

modified Wheatstone bridge. Kelvin determined that, since

the elongation was the same for both wires, ‘‘the effect

observed depends truly on variations in their conductivi-

ties.’’ Observation of these differences was remarkable,

given the precision of available instrumentation.

Motivated by Lord Kelvin’s work, Tomlinson con-

firmed this strain-induced change in conductivity andmade measurements of temperature and direction depen-

dent elasticity and conductivity of metals under varied

orientations of mechanical loads and electrical currents

(Fig. 1) [4], [5].

The steady state displacement measurement tech-

niques of Thomson and Tomlinson were replicated, refined,

and applied to other polycrystalline and amorphous

Manuscript received May 2, 2008; revised October 6, 2008. Current version published

April 1, 2009. Research in the Pruitt Microsystems Laboratory related to

piezoresistance has been supported by the National Science Foundation under awards

ECCS-0708031, ECS-0449400, CTS-0428889, ECS-0425914, and PHY-0425897 and the

National Institutes of Health under award R01 EB006745-01A1.

The authors are with Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford,

CA 94305 USA (e-mail: [emailprotected]; [emailprotected];

[emailprotected]; [emailprotected]; [emailprotected]).

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2009.2013612

Vol. 97, No. 3, March 2009 | Proceedings of the IEEE 5130018-9219/$25.00 �2009 IEEE

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conductors by several researchers [6]–[9]. In 1930, Rolnick

presented a dynamic technique to quantify the resistance

change in vibrating wires of 15 different metals [10]. In 1932,Allen presented the first measurements of direction-dependent conductivity with strain in single crystals of

bismuth, antimony, cadmium, zinc and tin [11]–[14]. Based

on her work, Bridgman developed a tensor formulation for

the general case of hom*ogeneous mechanical stress on the

electrical resistance of single crystals [6], [7].

In 1935, Cookson first applied the term piezoresistance

to the change in conductivity with stress, as distinctfrom the total fractional change of resistance [15]. The

term was most likely coined after piezoelectricity, the

generation of charge with applied stress, a ferroelectric-

mediated effect quite different from piezoresistivity.

Hanke coined the term piezoelectricity in 1881 after

Fpiezen_ from the Greek to press [16], [17]. The now stan-

dard notation for piezoresistivity was adapted from

analogous work on piezoelectricity [18]. Voigt formalizedtensor notation for stress and strain in crystals and for-

mulated tensor expressions for generalized Hooke’s Law

and piezoelectricity [19]. He adapted this notation from

the works of Curie and Kelvin [18], [20]–[23].

In 1938, more than 80 years after the discovery of

piezoresistance, Clark and Datwyler used a bonded wire

to monitor strain in a stressed member [24]. In the same

year, Arthur Ruge independently reinvented the bondedmetallic strain gauge which had been first suggested by

Edward Simmons, Jr. in 1936 [25]–[28].

In 1950, Bardeen and Shockley predicted relativelylarge conductivity changes with deformation in single

crystal semiconductors [29]. In his seminal paper on semi-

conductor piezoresistance, C. S. Smith (a researcher who

was visiting Bell Laboratories from Case Western Reserve

University and who was interested in anisotropic electrical

properties of materials), reported the first measurements

of the Fexceptionally large_ piezoresistive shear coefficient

in silicon and germanium [30].In 1957, Mason and Thurston first reported silicon

strain gauges for measuring displacement, force, and

torque [31]. Semiconductor strain gauges, with sensitivity

more than fifty times higher than conventional metal

strain gauges, were considered a leap forward in sensing

technology. Early silicon strain gauges were fabricated by

sawing and chemical etching to form a Fbar_ shaped strain

gauge [32]. The gage was then attached to a materialsurface with cement. This method allowed the develop-

ment of the first bonded semiconductor pressure sensors.

The first commercial piezoresistive silicon strain gauges

and pressure sensors started to appear in the late 1950’s.

Kulite Semiconductor, founded in 1958 to exploit piezo-

resistive technology, became the first licensee under the

Bell piezoresistive patents [33]. By 1960 there were at least

two commercial suppliers of bulk silicon strain gauges:Kulite-Bytrex and Microsystems [33]. Fig. 2 shows modern

bar and U-shaped silicon strain gauges.

Developments in the manufacture of semiconductors,

especially ho*rni’s invention of the Fplanar_ transistor in

1959, resulted in improved methods of manufacturing

piezoresistive sensors [34]. Silicon piezoresistive devices

evolved from bonded single strain gauges to sensing devices

Fig. 1. The alteration of specific resistance produced in different

metals by hammering-induced strain. After Tomlinson, 1883 [5].

Reprinted with permission from the Royal Society Publishing.

Fig. 2. Modern micromachined, precision-etched silicon gages with

welded lead wires. (a) Bar shaped strain gauge with a length of 6 mm.

(b) U-shaped strain gauge with a length of 1.2 mm. Courtesy of

Herb Chelner, Micron Instruments, Simi Valley, CA.

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with ‘‘integrated’’ (in the sense that the piezoresistiveregion was co-fabricated with the force collector) piezo-

resistive regions. In their classic 1961 paper, Pfann and

Thurston proposed the integration of diffused piezo-

resistive elements with a silicon force collecting element

[35]. The first such Fintegrated_ device, a diffused piezo-

resistive pressure sensing diaphragm was realized by

Tufte et al. at Honeywell Research in 1962 [36].

Piezoresistive sensors were the first commercialdevices requiring three-dimensional micromachining of

silicon. Consequently, this technology was a singularly

important precursor to the MEMS technology that

emerged in the 1980’s. In 1982, Petersen’s seminal paper

‘‘Silicon as a Mechanical Material’’ reviewed several

micromachined silicon transducers, including piezoresis-

tive devices, and the fabrication processes and techniques

used to create them [37]. Petersen’s paper helped drive thegrowth in innovation and design of micromachined silicon

devices over the subsequent years.

The field benefited, to a degree that no other sensor

technology has, from developments in silicon processing

and modeling for the integrated circuits (IC) industry.

Technological advances in the fabrication of ICs including

doping, etching, and thin film deposition methods, have

allowed significant improvements in piezoresistive devicesensitivity, resolution, bandwidth, and miniaturization

(Fig. 3). Reviews of advances in MEMS, microstructures,

and microsystems are available elsewhere [38], [39].


The electrical resistance ðRÞ of a hom*ogeneous structure is

a function of its dimensions and resistivity ð�Þ,

R ¼ �l

a; (1)

where l is length, and a is average cross-sectional area. Thechange in resistance due to applied stress is a function of

geometry and resistivity changes. The cross-sectional area

of a bulk material reduces in proportion to the longitudinal

strain by its Poisson’s ratio, �, which for most metals ranges

from 0.20 to 0.35. For anisotropic silicon, the effective

directional Poisson’s ratio ranges from 0.06 to 0.36 [40],

[41]. The isotropic lower and upper limit for � are�1.0 and

0.5 [42].The gauge factor ðGFÞ of a strain gauge is defined as

GF ¼ �R=R


where " is strain and �R=R is fractional resistance change

with strain. The change in resistance is due to both the

geometric effects ð1þ 2�Þ and the fractional change inresistivity ð��=�Þ of the material with strain [10],


R¼ ð1þ 2�Þ"þ��

�: (3)

Geometric effects alone provide a GF of approximately 1.4to 2.0, and the change in resistivity, ��=�, for a metal is

smallVon the order of 0.3. However, for silicon and

germanium in certain directions, ��=� is 50–100 times

larger than the geometric term. For a semiconductor,

elasticity and piezoresistivity are direction-dependent

under specified directions of loads (stress, strain) and

fields (potentials, currents). This section first reviews

notation and then discusses fundamentals of piezoresis-tivity in semiconductors. We also refer the reader to the

comprehensive background on piezoelectricity in Nathan

and Baltes [43].

Fig. 3. Technological advances in IC fabrication (above the horizontal line) and micromachining (below the horizontal line)

[30], [33]–[37], [47], [79], [112], [122], [130], [149], [160], [191], [251], [254], [268], [284], [372]–[384].

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A. Notation

1) Miller Indices and Crystal Structure: Crystals have

periodic arrangements of atoms arranged in one of 14 lattice

types and complete reviews are available elsewhere [44],

[45]. The Miller indices specify crystal planes by n-tuples. A

direction index ½hkl� denotes a vector normal to a plane

described by ðhklÞ, and t represents a family of planes

equivalent to ðhklÞ by symmetry. Angle-bracketed indices,like hhkli, represent all directions equivalent to ½hkl� by

symmetry. In a hexagonal crystal, as found in most silicon

carbide polytypes, the Bravais-Miller index scheme is

commonly adopted where four indices are used to represent

the intercept-reciprocals corresponding to the four principal

crystal axes (a1, a2, a3, and c). The axes a1, a2, and a3 are on

the same plane and 120� apart from one another while c is

perpendicular to the a-plane defined by the (a1, a2, a3) triplet.Crystalline silicon forms a covalently bonded diamond-

cubic structure with lattice constant a ¼ 5.43 A [Fig. 4(a)].

The diamond-cubic structure is equivalent to two inter-

penetrating face-centered-cubic (FCC) lattices with basis

atoms offset by 1=4a in the three orthogonal directions [44].

Silicon’s diamond-cubic lattice is relatively sparse (34%

packing density) compared to a regular face-centered-cubic

(FCC) lattice (74% packing density). Commonly used wafersurface orientations in micromachining include (100), (111),

and (110) [Fig. 4(b)]. Photolithography and etch techniques

can create devices in various directions to access desirable

material properties. For instance a h111i oriented piezo-

resistor in a (110) plane will have the highest piezoresistive

sensitivity in a pressure sensor [46]. More commonly h110ialigned piezoresistors on (100) wafers are used because of

their high equal and opposite longitudinal and transversepiezoresistive coefficients. Directionality of silicon piezo-

resistive coefficients is discussed in Sections II-A3 and

II-D1, and the selection of device orientation with direc-

tional dependence is discussed in more detail elsewhere

[31], [35], [47], [48].

2) Stress, Strain, and Tensors: To define the state of stress

for a unit element (Fig. 5), nine components, �ij, must bespecified, as in:

� ¼�11 �12 �13

�21 �22 �23

�31 �32 �33

66647775: (4)

The first index i denotes the direction of the applied stress,

while j indicates the direction of the force or stress. If

i ¼ j, the stress is normal to the specified surface, while

i 6¼ j indicates a shear stress on face i (Fig. 5). From staticequilibrium requirements that forces and moments sum to

zero, a stress tensor is always symmetric, that is �ij ¼ �ji,

and thus the stress tensor contains only six independent

components. Strain, "ij, is also directional. For an isotropic,

Fig. 4. (a) Covalently bonded diamond cubic structure of silicon.

(b) Commonly employed crystal planes of silicon, i.e., (100), (110), and

(111) planes. Silicon has four covalent bonds and coordinates itself

tetrahedrally. The {111} planes, oriented 54.74� from {100} planes, are

most densely packed. Mechanical and electrical properties vary greatly

with direction, especially between the most dense {111} and the least

dense {100} planes.

Fig. 5. Nine components, �ij, of stress on an infinitesimal unit element.

For clarity, stresses on negative faces are not depicted.

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hom*ogeneous material, stress is related to strain byHooke’s Law, � ¼ "E [49].

Although ‘‘effective’’ values of Young’s modulus and

Poisson’s ratio for a single direction are often employed for

simple loading situations, a tensor is required to fully

describe the stiffness of an anisotropic material such as

silicon [37], [50], [51]. The stress and strain are related by

the elastic stiffness matrix, C, where �ij ¼ Cijkl � "kl, or

equivalently by the inverse compliance matrix, S, where"ij ¼ Sijkl � �kl:









c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 c16

c12 c22 c23 c24 c25 c26

c13 c23 c33 c34 c35 c36

c14 c24 c34 c44 c45 c46

c15 c25 c35 c45 c55 c56

c16 c26 c36 c46 c56 c66




















s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s16

s12 s22 s23 s24 s25 s26

s13 s23 s33 s34 s35 s36

s14 s24 s34 s44 s45 s46

s15 s25 s35 s45 s55 s56

s16 s26 s36 s46 s56 s66










3777777775: (6)

Collapsed notation reduces each pair of subscripts to one

number: 11!1, 22!2, 33!3, 23!4, 13!5, 12!6,

e.g., �11 to �1, "12 to "6, c1111 to c11 and s2323 to s44.

3) Piezoresistance: Single crystal germanium and silicon,both of which have a diamond lattice crystal structure,

were the first materials widely used as piezoresistors.

Smith reported the first measurements of large piezo-

resistive coefficients in these semiconductor crystals in

1954 noting that work by Bardeen and Shockley, and later

Herring, could explain the phenomena [30]. Smith applied

Bridgman’s tensor notation [8] in defining the piezo-

resistive coefficients and geometry of his test configura-tions (Fig. 6). The piezoresistive coefficients ð�Þ require

four subscripts because they relate two second-rank

tensors of stress and resistivity. The first subscript refers

to the electric field component (measured potential), the

second to the current density (current), and the third and

fourth to the stress (stress has two directional compo-

nents). For conciseness, the subscripts of each tensor are

also collapsed [31], e.g., �1111 ! �11, �1122 ! �12,�2323 ! �44. Kanda later generalized these relations for

a fixed voltage and current orientation ð!Þ as a function of

stress ð�Þ [47]:



�!���: (7)

Smith determined these coefficients for relatively lightlydoped silicon and germanium samples with resistivities

ranging from 1.5–22.7 �-cm, e.g., 7.8 �-cm for p-type

silicon [30]. Current commercial and research practice

uses doping levels several orders of magnitude higher than

Fig. 6. Notation for Smith’s test configurations. Configurations A and C measured longitudinal piezoresistance, while configurations B and D

provided transverse coefficients. Voltage drops between the electrodes (dotted lines) were measured while uniaxial tensile stress, �, was applied

to the test sample by hanging a weight. The experiments were done in constant-current mode in a light-tight enclosure with controlled

temperature ð25� 1 �CÞ. After Smith [30]. � 1954 American Physical Society, http://www.prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v94/i1/p42_1.

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Smith’s. Higher concentrations have somewhat lowerpiezoresistive coefficients, but much lower temperature

coefficients of resistance and sensitivity. For example, in

our laboratory, we regularly use doping levels that result in

resistivities in the range of 0.005–0.2 �-cm [52]–[57].

Smith measured the piezoresistive coefficients for (100)

samples along the h100i and h110i crystal directions. Lon-

gitudinal and transverse coefficients for the fundamental

crystal axes were determined directly. Shear piezoresistivecoefficients were inferred. By these measurements and

considering the crystal symmetry, Smith fully character-

ized the piezoresistive tensor of 7.8 �-cm silicon as

½�!�� ¼

�11 �12 �12 0 0 0

�12 �22 �12 0 0 0

�12 �12 �33 0 0 0

0 0 0 �44 0 0

0 0 0 0 �44 0

0 0 0 0 0 �44




6:6 �1:1 �1:1 0 0 0

�1:1 6:6 �1:1 0 0 0

�1:1 �1:1 6:6 0 0 0

0 0 0 138:1 0 0

0 0 0 0 138:1 0

0 0 0 0 0 138:1



� 10�11 Pa�1: (8)

In another early paper, Mason and Thurston utilizedbonded gauges with the most favorable longitudinal orien-

tations to measure displacement, force, and torque [31].

They derived directional coefficients from full formu-

lations relating the electric field, current density, and

stress components. They also presented more general for-

mulations for longitudinal ð�011Þ and transverse ð�012Þpiezoresistive coefficients for a gauge in an arbitrary crys-

tal direction,

�011 ¼ �11 � 2ð�11 � �12 � �44Þ� l21 m2

1 þ l21 n21 þ m2

1 n21

� �; (9)


�012 ¼ �120 þ 2ð�11 � �12 � �44Þ� l21 l22 þ m2

1 m21 þ n2

1 n22

� �; (10)

where l, m, and n are the direction cosines of the direction

associated with �011 or �012, with respect to the crystallo-

graphic axes.

Pfann and Thurston [35] recognized the benefits of

using transverse and shear piezoresistance effects inconjunction with longitudinal piezoresistance for devices.

Many of their geometries employed a full Wheatstone

bridge with two longitudinal and two transverse piezo-resistors to increase sensitivity and compensate for resis-

tance changes due to temperature (Sections II-D2 and

III-E). Notably, they proposed integrating the piezo-

resistors with the force collecting structure and discussed

the advantages and disadvantages of a number of geo-

metries for various types of measurements. They antic-

ipated most of the geometries widely employed today.

Stress sensitivity in silicon also can be exploited by thepseudo-Hall effect and the piezojunction effect. The pseudo-

Hall effect is based on the shear piezoresistive effect,

whereby the induced shear stress distorts the potential

distribution in a piezoresistive plane. Motorola Semicon-

ductor (now Freescale Semiconductor) used this configu-

ration in a pressure sensor in the 1970s [58] and has

continued producing this type of pressure sensor.

Doelle et al. and Gieschke et al. reported geometry-baseddesign rules and novel applications for the pseudo-Hall

effect piezoresistive plates [59]–[61]. The piezojunction

effect is defined as the change in the saturation current of a

bipolar transistor or a p-n junction due to mechanical stress

[62]. Metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors

(MOSFETs) using the piezojunction effect have been

demonstrated for small cantilever strain sensing [63]–[65].

The main advantage over conventional piezoresistors lies inreduced power consumption but this trades off with size

and circuit complexity [66]. The piezojunction effect is also

important to understanding sources of unwanted offset in

integrated circuits and sensors [67]–[70].

B. Piezoresistive TheoryThe discovery of such large piezoresistive effects

demanded a theory of the underlying physics. This sectiondiscusses the prevailing theories at the time of Smith’s

measurements as well as more recent advances. The the-

ories of semiconductor piezoresistance are grounded in

one-dimensional descriptions of electron and hole trans-

port in crystalline structures under strain (potentially

extended to three dimensions and to include crystal

defects, electric potentials, and temperature effects). The

various models require some framework of bandgap energymodels, wave mechanics, and quantum effects; the

interested reader is referred to [44], [71]–[73] and the

references of this section for more information.

At the time of Smith’s piezoresistance measurements,

existing theories were based on shifts in bandgap energies.

The band structure of diamond (Fig. 7) was first calculated

by Kimball in 1935 [74], and that of silicon by Mullaney in

1944 [75]. In 1950, Bardeen and Shockley presented amodel for mobility changes in semiconductors subjected to

deformation potentials and compared both predicted and

measured conductivity changes in the bandgap with di-

lation [29]. This work served as the basis for later analyses,

such as that of Herring [76], [77] and Long [78].

The mobilities and effective masses of the carriers are

significantly different from one another and fluctuate under

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strain. N- and p-type piezoresistors exhibit opposite trends

in resistance change and different direction-dependent

magnitudes under stress. The magnitudes and signs of the

piezoresistive coefficients depend on a number of factorsincluding impurity concentration, temperature, crystallo-

graphic direction, as well as the relation of voltage, current

and stress to one another and to the crystallographic axes.

The relationship between carrier characteristics and strain

has been investigated both experimentally [30], [31], [79]

and analytically [29], [35], [47], [77], [80], [81]. Focusing on

n-type silicon, these early studies utilized either effective

mass or energy band calculations with wave propagation inone direction at a time. The change in mobility (and thus,

conductivity) with lattice strain is attributed to band

warping or bending and the non-uniform density of states.

The implications for the related large mobility and resis-

tance changes were not realized prior to Smith’s discovery

[82], [83]. Following Bardeen and Shockley’s models for

mobility changes with deformation potentials, more refined

models of transport and energy band structure based onnew experimental work became available. In 1955, Herring

proposed his Many-Valley model, which adequately ex-

plained piezoresistance for n-type silicon and germanium

[29], [35], [77], [80], [81], [84]–[87].

Herring’s Many-Valley model for n-type silicon pro-

poses three symmetrical valleys along the h100i direction

[77]. His model projects the band energy minima in three

orthogonal directions ðx; y; zÞ as locations of constantminimum energy (Fig. 8). The minimum energy of each

valley lies along the centerline of the constant energy

ellipsoid of revolution. Electrons have a higher mobility

along the direction perpendicular to the long axis of the

ellipsoid. Since electrons occupy lower energy states first,

they are found in these regions bounded by ellipsoids of

constant low-energy. These ellipsoids, bounded by higher-

energy regions, are referred to as valleys. With strainhowever, the symmetry is broken and the ellipsoids are

asymmetrically dilated or constricted. This results in an

anisotropic change in conductivity proportional to strain.

Most models represent the direction dependence of

bandgap and electron energies by either directional waves

(k has direction and magnitude) or momentum ðpÞ and the

effective masses of the carriers. The energy surfaces for

electron mobility are accordingly represented in k-space ormomentum space. The wave propagation is confined to

Fig. 7. Energy bands split in diamond and are a function of strain or

atomic spacing, R (Atomic Units). Besides the four shaded bands, there

are four bands of zero width, i.e. two following curve IV and two

following curve VI. After Kimball [74]. � 1935 American Institute of


Fig. 8. (a, b) Test configuration and resulting schematic diagrams of probable constant energy surfaces in momentum space for n-type Si with

potential, E, and strain, e, as depicted. The electrons are located in six energy valleys at the centers of the constant energy ellipses, which are

shown greatly enlarged. The effect of stress on the two valley energies shown is indicated by the dotted ellipsoids. The mobilities, �, of the

several groups of charge carriers in various directions are roughly indicated by the arrows. The test configurations correspond to Smith’s

experimental arrangements A and C (Fig. 6). After Smith [30]. � 1954 American Physical Society. (c) The changes in silicon energy minima with

dilation in a plane normal to a (001) axis. Four minima vary as shown by the solid line, and two on the axis normal to the plane follow the dashed

line. After Keyes [87], � 2002 IEEE.

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quantum states by the periodicity of the lattice, and edgesin the band diagrams correspond to the edges of the

Brillouin zone (smallest primitive cell, or unit cell, of the

reciprocal lattice) oriented in a direction of interest [44].

In the unstrained silicon crystal, the lowest conduction

band energies (valleys) or highest mobility orientations are

aligned with the h100i directions. The conduction

electrons are thus imagined to be lying in six equal groups

or valleys, aligned with three h100i directions. For anyvalley, the mobility is the lowest when parallel to the valley

direction, and the highest when perpendicular to the valley,

e.g., an electron in the z valley has higher mobility in the xand y directions. Net electron conductivity is the sum of the

conductivity components along the three valley orienta-

tions and is independent of direction. Net mobility is the

average mobility along the three valleys (two high and one

low) [87]. Uniaxial elongation increases the band energy ofthe valley parallel to the strain and transfers electrons to

perpendicular valleys, which also have high mobility along

the direction of strain. Electrons favor transport in

directions of higher mobility (higher conductivity and

lower resistance) in the direction of strain, and tension

removes electrons from the valley in that direction and

transfers them to valleys normal to the tension. In n-type

silicon, average mobility is increased in the direction oftension (longitudinal effect) and lowered transverse to that

direction (transverse effect). Compression has the opposite

effect. Lin later provided an explanation of large mobility

degradation at higher transverse electric fields and lower

temperatures based on the physics of electron population

and scattering mechanisms of quantized subbands at (100)

Si surfaces [88].

The piezoresistance theory for n-type semiconductorscontinued to be refined from 1954 onward, but until

recently ‘‘piezoresistive effects in p-type silicon have not

been fully clarified due to the complexity of the valence

band structure’’ [89]. In 1993, Ohmura stated that ‘‘the

[piezoresistance] effect for n-type Ge and Si has been

successfully accounted for. . .’’ while ‘‘the [piezoresistance]

effect for p-type Si and Ge has not been fully under-

stood. . .’’ [90]. However, recent computational advanceshave enabled an improved understanding of p-type piezo-

resistance [73], [91]–[93]. This is important because most

research and commercial piezoresistive devices are p-type

and models of this successful technology had been largely

based on empirical results. Theoretical studies based on the

strain Hamiltonian [94]–[96] and on deformation poten-

tials in strained silicon as well as cyclotron resonance

experimental results have revealed several factors thataffect hole mobilities in semiconductors, e.g., band warp-

ing and splitting, mass change, etc. [97]–[101].

Historically, piezoresistive technology drew from main-

stream IC research and continues to do so. Now, with the

strong interest in ‘‘strain engineering’’ to increase transport

speed in ICs, the situation has reversed and mainstream

semiconductor technology is drawing on findings of piezo-

resistive research. Strain engineered materials (e.g., inclu-

sion of germanium into a silicon layer) can increase themobility of a channel in MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor)

devices [73], [102]–[104]. Suthram et al. [104] applied large

uniaxial stress on n-type MOS field-effect transistors

(MOSFETs) and showed that piezoresistive coefficients

were constant while the electron mobility enhancement

increased linearly for stresses up to �1.5 GPa. Fig. 9 shows

plotted hole mobility enhancement factor for several

semiconductors as a function of stress.

C. Piezoresistor FabricationSeveral design and process parameters such as energy,

dose and doping method as well as anneal parameters such

as temperature, time and environment affect piezoresistor

sensitivity and noise. We review the commonly used

fabrication methods for forming piezoresistors on semi-

conductor substrates and discuss their advantages anddrawbacks. Diffusion, ion implantation, and epitaxy are

the most common impurity-doping techniques for intro-

ducing dopants into a silicon substrate. These techniques

result in different doping profiles (Fig. 10). A complete

review of doping techniques is available elsewhere [105].

1) Diffusion: Diffusion is the migration of dopant atoms

from a region of high concentration to a region of low

concentration. The fabrication of piezoresistors usingdiffusion involves a pre-deposition and a drive-in step.

Fig. 9. Hole mobility enhancement in semiconductors, taking into

account surface roughness scattering, as a function of stress (�GPa).

Sun et al. compared their experimental results with those of several

groups [385]–[387] and noted that ‘‘the hole mobilities of Ge and GaAs

increase steadily with stress up to 4 GPa, while the hole mobility of

Si saturates at about 2 GPa. For the technologically important stresses

of 1-2 GPa, Ge shows similar enhancement as Si. However the

unstressed hole mobility of Ge is�3� higher than Si.’’ Reprinted with

permission from Sun [73], � 2007 American Institute of Physics.

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During the pre-deposition step, wafers may be placed in a

high-temperature furnace (900–1300 �C) with a gas-phaseor a solid-phase dopant source [105], [106]. The gas-phase

dopant source, e.g., diborane (B2H6), phosphine (PH3), or

arsine (AsH3), is carried in an inert gas, e.g., N2 or Ar. The

solid-phase dopant source (a compound containing dopant

atoms in a form of solid discs) is placed such that the active

surface is facing the surface of the silicon wafer inside the

furnace. Both the source and the wafer are heated, causing

transport of dopants from the source to the wafer. Alter-nately, dopant pre-deposition may utilize doped spin-on

glass layers [107]–[109]. During pre-deposition, the

boundary condition is a constant surface concentration

and the doping profile is approximated by a complemen-

tary error function. The source can be removed and

dopants ‘‘driven-in’’ deeper with high temperature anneal-

ing (900–1300 �C). Gas-phase dopant sources provide

inconsistent doses for surface concentrations below thesolid solubility level.

2) Ion Implantation: Ion implantation was researched

extensively in the 1950s and 1960s as an alternate pre-

deposition method to provide better control of the dopant

dose [105], [110]–[121]. Ion implantation gained wide use

in the 1980s and remains the preferred method today. In

ion implantation, dopant ions are accelerated at highenergy (keV to MeV) into the substrate. The ions leave a

cascade of damage in the crystal structure of the implanted

substrate [118]. Any layer thick or dense enough to block the

implanted ions, such as photoresist, silicon oxide, silicon

nitride, or metal, can be used for masking. Typical silicon

piezoresistor doses range from ð1� 1014 to 5� 1016 cm�2,

with energy ranges from 30 to 150 keV [51]. Dopant

distribution is approximated by a symmetric Gaussiandistribution (Fig. 10). Most implants are done with a 7�

tilt of (100) silicon wafers to avoid ion channeling, a

phenomenon where ions deeply traverse gaps in the lattice

without scattering. Larger implant angles (7�–45�) are

sometimes used to form piezoresistors on etched sidewalls of

deep-reactive-ion-etched (DRIE) trenches as found inflexures or beams in dual-axis cantilevers, in-plane accel-

erometers, and shear stress sensors [53], [122]–[125]. One

major disadvantage of ion implantation is significant damage

to the crystal. Lattice order is mostly restored by high-

temperature dopant activation and annealing [118]. How-

ever, shallow junctions are difficult to obtain with high

crystal quality. Parameters that affect the junction depth

include the acceleration energy, the ion mass, and thestopping power of the material [115].

3) Epitaxy: Epitaxy is the growth of atomic layers on

single-crystal materials that conform to the crystal-

structure arrangement on the surface of the crystalline

substrate [105]. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) tech-

nique can be used to deposit epitaxial silicon by decom-

posing silane (SiH4) or by reacting silicon chloride (SiCl4)with hydrogen. Conventional epitaxial growth is done at

high temperatures (1000–1250 �C) and reduced pressure

(30–200 torr). A clean surface is necessary to obtain a high

quality epitaxial layer. Contaminants and native oxide will

prevent single-crystal growth. An in situ HCl clean can

remove wafer contaminants and native oxide. Halide

source gases, such as SiCl4, SiHCl3, or SiH2Cl2 (DCS),

are used to grow silicon with the advantage that chlorine isone of the net byproducts. The chlorine removes metal

contaminants from the deposited silicon film, resulting in

better quality single-crystal silicon. Selective deposition of

epitaxial silicon, i.e., the silicon deposits only on exposed

regions of silicon, but not on other dielectric films such as

SiO2 or Si3N4, can be achieved by tailoring the deposition

conditions [55], [105], [126]–[129]. Epitaxial silicon films

may be doped during the deposition by introducing ap-propriate dopant source gases such as AsH3, PH3, or B2H6

into the chamber along with the silicon source gases.

Epitaxial piezoresistors require no annealing and have

a uniform dopant profile (Fig. 10). Epitaxy has enabled

Fig. 10. (a) Microfabricated piezoresistive cantilever [57]. (b) TSUPREM4 [388] simulation plots of doping profiles using

ion implantation vs. epitaxial deposition techniques. Note the difference in the dopant profiles following ion-implantation and epitaxy

and the progression of dopant diffusion with increasing time of thermal annealing. Courtesy of Sung-Jin Park, Stanford University.

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ultra thin piezoresistive layers and increased force sen-

sitivity [130]. Harley and Kenny [131] and Liang et al. [132]

demonstrated the use of epitaxially grown doped silicon

to form piezoresistors in ultra-thin cantilevers (less than

100 nm). This is a practical method for such thin piezo-resistive cantilevers, especially given the difficulties of

implanting shallow junction depths (less than 50 nm),

activating dopant atoms, and restoring lattice quality.

Joyce and Baldrey [126] first demonstrated selective

deposition of silicon epitaxial layers using oxide-masking

techniques in 1962 and Zhang et al. [133] demonstrated an

HCl-free selective deposition technique. We have also

demonstrated epitaxial piezoresistors on the sidewalls ofmicrostructures for in-plane sensing applications using

selective deposition techniques [55]. These epitaxial

sidewall piezoresistive sensors showed increased sensitiv-

ity over oblique-angle ion-implanted piezoresistors of the

same dose.

4) Doped Polysilicon: Polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon

or ‘‘poly’’) may be doped by diffusion, ion implantation, orin situ doping. Polysilicon in situ doping introduces gas-

phase dopants with the precursor polysilicon gases during

chemical vapor deposition. However, introduction of dop-

ant gases results in non-uniform polysilicon layer thickness

across the wafer, a lower deposition rate, and dopant non-

uniformity [105]. Moreover, adding dopants during the

deposition of the polysilicon layer also affects layer prop-

erties and changes grain size, grain orientation, and in-trinsic stress. The deposition temperature, anneal time and

anneal temperature determine the surface roughness,

grain size, grain orientation, and intrinsic stress of the

resulting polysilicon layer.

Piezoresistive effects in polysilicon were studied ex-

tensively in the 1970s and 1980s [134]–[146]. French and

Evans presented a theoretical model for piezoresistance in

polysilicon as a function of doping, grain size, and orien-tation and proposed an optimum set of processing param-

eters for a given grain size [145].

5) Tradeoffs in Process Selection: Ion implantation is the

most common method of fabricating piezoresistors. Advan-

tages of ion implantation include precise control of dopant

concentration and depth. Disadvantages include lattice

damage and annealing requirements for dopant activation.Diffusion has the advantage of batch processing, but suffers

from poor dopant depth and concentration control. Epitaxy

provides excellent depth control without annealing, which

enables shallow junctions with abrupt dopant profiles.

However, processing complexity and equipment costs and

availability are drawbacks to epitaxy. Table 1 compares ion-

implantation, diffusion, and epitaxy techniques.

D. Design and Process Effects onPiezoresistor Performance

Design and process parameters affect piezoresistor sen-

sitivity and noise. Sensitivity is a strong function of dopant

concentration and piezoresistor orientation. In choosing the

device geometry, doping, and anneal conditions, the piezo-

resistive device designer must also consider the temperature

coefficients of sensitivity and resistance, nonlinearity withstrain and temperature, and noise and resolution limits.

1) Device Doping and Orientation: Initial experiments by

Smith used bars of silicon cut from wafers doped while

growing the single-crystal ingot [30]. Later, Pfann and

Thurston [35] suggested diffusion techniques to integrate

doped piezoresistors on the sensor surface. The piezoresistive

properties of diffused layers were subsequently investigatedby Tufte and Stelzer [79]. They also provided empirical data

on piezoresistive coefficients for different surface concentra-

tions and resistivities. Kurtz and Gravel replotted their data

and noted that the piezoresistive coefficients decrease

approximately with the log of surface concentration [147].

The early analyses by Smith, and Pfann and Thurston,

covered virtually all crystal orientations and piezoresistor

designs for n-type and p-type piezoresistors in use today.Kanda [47] extended these analyses with graphical rep-

resentations of the piezoresistive coefficients in arbitrary

Table 1 Comparisons of Doping Methods (After Plummer et al. [105])

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directions in the commonly used (100) crystal plane and

the less common (110), and (211) planes. These graphs

provide a useful picture of how piezoresistive coefficients

vary with respect to crystal orientations for both longitu-

dinal and transverse geometries (Fig. 11). Kanda also

presented theoretical calculations of piezoresistive changeversus dopant concentration. He suggested a simple power

law dependence of the relaxation time with temperature

and noted a discrepancy between his calculations and the

experimental data for high doping concentrations (Fig. 12).In his notation, the piezoresistive coefficient is calculated

by multiplying the piezoresistive factor, PðN; TÞ (Fig. 13),

by the room temperature piezoresistive coefficient. The

calculated values of the PðN; TÞ, agree well with the

experimental values obtained by Mason [148] for doping

concentrations less than 1� 1017 cm�3, over the temper-

ature range of �50 to 150 �C, but differ by 21% at a

concentration of 3� 1019 cm�3 at room temperature. Theerror was attributed to dopant ions scattering for high

dopant concentrations, whereas the calculation only con-

sidered lattice scattering. Harley [149] later evaluated

data from several researchers and provided an empirical

fit of piezoresistance vs. concentration that better

estimates the sensitivity for higher concentration devices.

Our devices typically fall in a regime described by

extension of Harley’s fit [55]–[57], [150].Four-point bending is used to measure piezoresistive

effects in semiconductors [151], [152], though care must be

taken in high-stress test conditions [104]. Richter et al.[48], [153], [154] demonstrated a novel piezocoefficient-

mapping device to measure 3D stresses in device packaging

and also to extract directional piezoresistive coefficients

(Fig. 14). Using orthogonal h100i piezoresistors and 4-point

bending strain along the h110i direction, they measuredpiezoresistance coefficients for silicon and strained silicon

(Si0:9Ge0:1) molecular beam epitaxial (MBE) grown layers

at boron doping levels of 1� 1018 and 1� 1019 cm�3; they

extracted piezoresistive coefficients as a function of doping

and direction. Their results are higher than Smith’s lower

dose values and also showed that lattice strain raises the

value of �44.

Fig. 11. Room temperature piezoresistive coefficients in the (100)

plane of (a) p-type silicon (b) n-type silicon. These graphics

predict piezoresistive coefficients very well for low doses.

After Kanda [47], � 1982 IEEE.

Fig. 12. Piezoresistive coefficients as a function of doping.

Experimental data obtained by Kerr, Tufte, and Mason are fitted by

Harley and Kenny [79], [148], [149], [157]. Theoretical prediction by

Kanda overestimates the piezoresistive coefficients at higher

concentrations. After Harley and Kenny [149], � 2000 IEEE.

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2) Temperature Coefficients of Sensitivity and Resistance:Piezoresistors are sensitive to temperature variation, which

changes the mobility and number of carriers, resulting in a

change in conductivity (or resistivity) and piezoresistive

coefficients (sensitivity) [155]. Consequently, doped sili-

con can be used for accurate temperature sensing as inresistance temperature detectors (RTDs). A typical com-

mercial piezoresistive pressure sensor has a thermal resis-

tance change ten times the full-scale stressed resistance

change over a temperature range of 55 �C. Kurtz [156]

presented data and discussed the trend of the piezoresistive

coefficient ð�Þ, temperature coefficient of piezoresistive

coefficient ðTCSÞ, resistivity ð�Þ, temperature coefficient of

resistivity ðTCRÞ and strain nonlinearity, as a function ofdopant concentration (Fig. 15).

Kurtz was the first to clearly highlight the advantages of

using higher doping levels for piezoresistors. The temper-

ature dependence of sensitivity decreases with increasing

surface concentration. This trend is desirable except that

increasing surface concentration also sacrifices the sensi-

tivity of the piezoresistors. However, the temperature

coefficient of sensitivity drops off faster than sensitivity.Also at higher doping levels, the strain and temperature

nonlinearities in sensitivity, and temperature change ofresistance are very much reduced. Some piezoresistive

pressure sensor manufacturers, such as Kulite Semicon-

ductor Products, Merit Sensors, and GE NovaSensor

manufacture high-dose piezoresistors, taking advantage

of this reduced temperature sensitivity. Ultimately some

temperature dependence in silicon strain sensors is

inevitable though this dependence may be compensated

by the use of a half or full-active Wheatstone bridge andconditioning circuitry (Section III-E).

Tufte and Stelzer [79] first presented detailed measure-

ments of these parameters for diffused layers over a wide

range of dopant concentrations ð1018 � 1021 atoms cm�3Þand temperatures (�90 �C to 100 �C). They also showed

that the piezoresistive coefficient was relatively insensitive

to the diffusion depth for a diffused layer. Kerr and

Milnes [157] showed that the surface dopant concentrationcould be used as an adequate proxy for the average effective

concentration in modeling the piezoresistivity of diffused

layers. More recently, refined concentration-dependent

temperature sensitivity measurements have been reported

on integrated die using 4-point bending and finite element

analysis of stress profiles [158].

3) Nonlinearity: The response of piezoresistors to stressis nonlinear at larger strain (9 0.1%). Understanding and

Fig. 14. (a) Stress sensor chip with a p-type circular piezoresistors in

the middle of the chip. (b) Schematic diagram of the circular

piezoresistor with a radius of 1700 �m. From Richter et al. [154],

� 2007 IEEE.

Fig. 13. The adjusted piezoresistance factor P(N,T) as a function of

impurity concentration and temperature for (a) p-type silicon

(b) n-type silicon. These graphics predict piezoresistive coefficients

very well for low doses but the trends with temperature are correct.

After Kanda [47], � 1982 IEEE.

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compensating for the nonlinearity of piezoresistors is im-

portant for precision piezoresistive devices. Matsuda et al.[159], [160] calculated and measured the piezoresistive

coefficients and third-order effects for both p-type andn-type silicon for the three major crystallographic orienta-

tions with strain up to 0.1%. Higher strain levels were

difficult to measure since surface defects in the silicon

lattice cause fracture at low strain levels. Addressing this

problem, Chen and MacDonald [161] co-fabricated a

microactuator and a 150-�m-long, 150-nm-diameter single-

crystal silicon fiber from one single-crystal silicon substrate

to reduce the possibility of defects, allowing measurements

of strains greater than 1%. With the increased range ofstrain, the second and third order fit for piezoresistive

coefficients were quantified more accurately (Fig. 16).

Table 2 shows the results obtained by Chen and MacDonald

compared to the data obtained by Tufte and Stelzer [162].

Additional studies of the effects of strain on semiconductor

properties have been undertaken recently as interest in

strained substrates has increased [48], [73], [104], [163].

Fig. 15. Trends of key piezoresistive properties with concentrations,

such as (a) longitudinal piezoresistive coefficient (sensitivity)

(b) temperature coefficient of sensitivity (c) temperature coefficient of

resistivity with dopant concentration. After Kurtz and Gravel [147].

� 1967 Industrial Automation Standards.

Fig. 16. (a) SEM image of micro-actuator and 150-�m-long,

150-nm-diameter, phosphorous-doped, h110i silicon fiber

(test sample) with resistivity of 0.6 m� cm. (b) Percentage change

longitudinal piezoresistance vs. strain exhibited less nonlinearity at

low strain than previous reports at lower doping (Data of

Matsuda et al. [161] were included by converting stress data using

Young’s modulus of 170 GPa). Reprinted with permission from

Chen and MacDonald [161], � 2004 American Institute of Physics.

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E. Noise in PiezoresistorsElectrical noise is the random variation in the potential of

a conductor. The electrical noise in a piezoresistor sets the

fundamental lower limit of piezoresistive transducer resolu-

tion. The dominant random electrical noise sources in piezo-

resistors are Johnson (thermal) noise and 1=f (flicker) noise.

Other noise sources, such as inductive or capacitive line

pickup also exist [51]. Also, for many applications the accu-

racy of piezoresistive transducers is limited by temperature

effects or thermo-mechanical hysteresis, e.g., in commercialpiezoresistive devices such as piezoresistive pressure sensors.

Integrated shield layers have been shown to reduce noise

effects, including temperature sensitivity [164].

1) Thermal Noise: Thermal noise, also known as Johnson

or Johnson-Nyquist noise, is universal to resistors. It was

first observed in 1928 by Johnson [164] and theoretically

explained by Nyquist [165]. Thermal noise is a function ofthe absolute temperature TðKÞ of the resistor, resistance

value Rð�Þ, and Boltzmann’s constant k (J/K). For a 1 Hz

bandwidth the thermal noise is:

Vj ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi4kTRp

: (11)

Thermal noise is fundamental, exists in all resistors,and cannot be eliminated. A discussion on thermal noise in

modern devices can be found elsewhere [166].

2) 1=f Noise: The power spectral density of 1=f noise, as

its name implies, is inversely proportional to frequency.

The origins of 1=f noise are still not fully understood and

remain an active topic of research [167]–[178]. In partic-

ular, 1=f noise in piezoresistors is dependent on fab-rication process parameters, such as implant dose and

energy, and anneal parameters. A 1=f n noise exponent of

n 9 1 can be a measure of conductor reliability. Excessive

1=f noise can indicate poor fabrication process quality

[179], [180]. Several researchers have presented piezo-

resistive device optimization to include 1=f noise [149],


Despite many decades of research, the source of 1=fnoise is still debated [176]. McWhorter and Hooge

proposed two opposing theories of 1=f noise. These views

are currently the leading explanations for the origin of 1=f

noise. The McWhorter model attributes the 1=f noise to

surface factors [184], [185], while the Hooge modelimplicates bulk defects [167], [177] (Fig. 17).

Experiments show that 1=f noise is due to conductivity

fluctuations in the resistor [177], [178]. Hooge showed that

the 1=f low-frequency noise modulated the thermal noise

even with no current flowing through the resistor [172]. This

experiment demonstrates that 1=f noise is not current-

generated. Current is only needed to transform the conduc-

tivity fluctuations into voltage fluctuations. Thermal and 1=fnoise are fundamentally different. Thermal noise is a voltage

noise; therefore it does not depend on the amount of current

in the resistor. In contrast, 1=f noise is a conductivity noise;

therefore the voltage noise is proportional to the current in

the resistor.

Table 2 Piezoresistive Coefficients Using Data From 0% to 1% Strain. From Chen and MacDonald [161], Reprinted With Permission From American

Institute of Physics

Fig. 17. Conductivity fluctuations based on (a) Hooge model

(bulk effect) (b) McWhorter model (surface effect). Courtesy of

Paul Lim, Stanford University.

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Hooge’s empirical 1=f noise model, fit to observed data,predicts that the voltage noise density is given by:

V1=f ¼ Vb




where f , N, and Vb, are frequency, total number of carriersin the resistor volume, and bias voltage across the resistor,

respectively. A non-dimensional fitting parameter, , is

ascribed to the ‘‘quality of the lattice’’ and typically ranges

from 10�3 down to 10�7 [56], [149], [183].

Attempts to observe the lower limit of 1=f , below

which the spectrum theoretically flattens, have not been

successful [177]. Measurements down to 3 �Hz (or

approximately 4 days per cycle) show a noise spectrumthat is still 1=f [186]. Harley and Kenny showed that

resistors with different surface to volume ratios have the

same 1=f noise characteristics, and 1=f noise scales with

the resistor volume, consistent with Hooge’s empirical

equation [149].

Hooge defines 1=f noise as only those spectra with a

frequency exponent of 0.9–1.1. Noise with a different

power spectral density and other frequency exponents,sometimes referred to as 1=f -like noise, is often confused

with 1=f noise and is not predicted by the Hooge equation.

According to Hooge, noise with a higher exponent, e.g., 1.5

or 2, indicates noise mechanisms other than mobility

fluctuations that should not be considered 1=f noise and

are not predicted by (12). Abnormal 1=f noise character-

ization can give insights into piezoresistor reliability and

failure analyses. For example, Neri [187] found that the 1=fexponent is closer to 2 in metal traces that exhibit

electromigration. Vandamme [188] showed that excess 1=fnoise in semiconductors can be attributed to small

constrictions and current crowding. Devices with con-

striction resistance show third harmonics and nonlinea-

rities in their output.

Current crowding theory also explains why polysilicon

has higher 1=f noise than its crystalline counterpart [168].At grain boundaries, small constrictions are present, thus

reducing the total number of carriers ðNÞ and effectively

increasing the 1=f noise. Basically, 1=f voltage noise does

increase linearly with the applied excitation. If the noise

spectrum trends otherwise, then other mechanisms, such

as current crowding, could be present. The noise floor of

the experimental setup may be verified by reducing the

applied excitation and observing only the thermal noise ofthe piezoresistor.

Reducing 1=f noise is important for low frequency

applications. Chemical and bio-sensing applications based

on displacement transduction require static and low

frequency measurements and require stability over time

periods of tens of seconds to many hours. Lower 1=f -noise

piezoresistors are required for these applications. The

fabrication process parameters can be tailored to achievelow 1=f noise amplitude spectral densities. As suggested by

Kanda’s model, low impurity doping is often used to

achieve high sensitivity. However, this model under-

estimates sensitivity at high and low doping and leads to a

device design that poorly trades-off sensitivity with noise

for lower frequency applications. The empirical data of

Tufte and Seltzer [79], on the other hand, offer better

guidance in these regimes. The advantages of high dopingare lower noise and lower temperature coefficients for

modest reduction of sensitivity. For example, if peak

doping concentration, Cpeak, decreases from 1019 cm�3 to

1017 cm�3, the sensitivity increases by only 65% while the

noise increases by a factor of ten. From (12), the 1=f noise

can be reduced by increasing N, the total number of

carriers dependent on piezoresistor volume and impurity

implant dose, and reducing . Vandamme [179], [189]showed that depends on crystal lattice perfection and

lattice quality increases with higher temperature anneals

and longer anneal times. Mallon et al. [56] extended the

work of Harley and Kenny [56], [149] and showed that

long, high temperature anneals can produce lower noise

piezoresistors with low values of (Fig. 18).

Fig. 19 shows the typical 1=f noise of a piezoresistor.

The horizontal straight line is the thermal noise of theresistor. For reference, a 1 k� resistor has 4 nV=


thermal noise; other resistor values are easily referenced to

this value. The thermal noise of a resistor is also an excellent

source to calibrate and verify the measurement system [190].

The straight, sloped line is the 1=f noise of the resistor,

which depends on the applied bias voltage. If the resistor is

unbiased, the 1=f noise disappears, while the thermal noise

remains. The 1=f noise is proportional to applied biasvoltage with proportionality constant


p. The total

Fig. 18. Hooge noise parameter, , improves (decreases) with

increasing anneal diffusion length,pDt. Reprinted with permission

from Mallon et al. [56]. � 2008 American Institute of Physics.

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noise is the sum of thermal and 1=f noise. Since the noise

sources are uncorrelated they are additive as,

VTotalNoise ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiV2

thermal þ V21=f

q: (13)


Piezoresistors are widely used in pressure, force and

inertial sensors. An external force creates a deflection or

stretch in the structure proportional to the measurand, and

piezoresistance varies proportional to the applied stress.

When used in a Wheatstone bridge or other conditioning

circuit, the change in resistance is converted to change involtage output. In this section, we review some of the most

commonly used devices that employ piezoresistive trans-

duction schemes in microsystems as well as common

signal conditioning approaches. For brevity we focus on

seminal and representative examples of the art.

A. Cantilever SensorsCantilevers are beams with one free and one fixed end

(Fig. 20). A piezoresistive cantilever force sensor normally

has a piezoresistor at the root of the beam, near the top

surface to maximize sensitivity. From beam mechanics, themaximum stress ð�Þ occurs at the outer surface of the root

(y ¼ �h=2, x ¼ 0), when an external force ðFÞ is applied

at the end of a cantilever ðx ¼ LÞ:

� ¼ 12Fðx� LÞybh3


where x is the distance along the length of the cantilevermeasured from the root, y is the distance along the

thickness of the cantilever measured from the neutral axis,

b is the width, and h is the thickness of the cantilever.

The change in resistance is a function of the stress in the

piezoresistor. The cantilever is a ubiquitous structure in the

field of micromachined transducers. Cantilevers are

relatively simple and inexpensive to fabricate, and analyt-

ical solutions of displacement profiles and stress distribu-tions under load are well developed [49]. Cantilever beams

are commonly used as force and displacement sensors as

well as mass sensors when excited in resonance. Various

schemes can transduce the force applied to the cantilever

by measuring the stress (piezoresistive) or displacement

(optical, capacitive) at any location on the cantilever.

The earliest work on integrated silicon piezoresistive

cantilevers started in the late 1960s, when Wilfinger [191]used a silicon cantilever with diffused piezoresistive elements

as a Fresonistor_ (resonator). The silicon cantilever was

mechanically deflected by electrically induced thermal expan-

sion. The piezoresistors were used to detect the maximum

stress at the resonant frequency. Fulkerson [192] integrated a

bridge and an amplifier circuit in a microfabricated piezo-

resistive cantilever sensor to linearize and amplify the output,

pioneering the concept of signal conditioning integration.Numerous resonant, piezoresistive cantilever devices have

been implemented for mass sensing, chemical sensing, and

inertial sensing since that time [193]–[195].

Perhaps the best-known application of cantilevers as force

and displacement sensors is in Atomic Force Microscopy

(AFM). AFM was invented by Binnig, Quate, and Gerber in

1986 as the first tool capable of investigating the surface of

both conductors and insulators at the atomic scale [196]. Thefirst AFM combined Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)

technology [197] and a stylus profilometer. This AFM used

tunneling current for cantilever displacement detection and

achieved lateral and vertical resolutions of 30 A and less than

1 A, respectively. Since then, other detection methods such as

optical [198] and capacitive [199], [200], have been used to

detect the displacement of the AFM cantilever. However,

these methods require a sensing element external to thecantilever. In 1993, Tortonese et al. first used piezoresistive

transduction to detect AFM cantilever displacement [130].

Fig. 19. Typical noise curve of a full-bridged piezoresistor.

The sloped solid line is the total noise dominated by 1=f-noise

component, while the horizontal solid line is the total noise dominated

by thermal-noise component. The 1=f noise corner frequency is the

frequency at which the thermal noise is equal to the 1=f noise. In this

noise spectrum, the corner frequency is �1 Hz. The horizontal dashed

line is the measurement system noise level, which is verified with a

680 � resistor from 0.01 Hz. For clarity, system noise is not shown

above 1 Hz. The noise is measured using modulation-demodulation

technique (Section III-E). The roll-off above 60 Hz is due to system

bandwidth. Reprinted with permission from Mallon et al. [56].

� 2008 American Institute of Physics.

Fig. 20. A cantilever with applied force at the tip and the resulting

stress profile in the beam. The maximum stress occurs at outer surface

of the root (y ¼ �h=2, x ¼ 0).

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The scheme achieved 0.1 Arms vertical resolution in a

10 Hz–1 kHz bandwidth. Piezoresistive transduction is

attractive in its simplicity and reliability because: 1) theabsence of external sensing elements simplifies the design of

an AFM for large samples and adverse environments (high

vacuum, etc.) and reduces the cost of the experimental

setup; 2) the operation of the microscope is further simplified

by eliminating the need for precise system alignment;

3) piezoresistive AFM requires low voltages and simple

circuitry for operation.

Several innovations increased the visibility of piezo-resistive AFM for specialized applications. AFM piezoresistive

cantilevers have been improved for parallel high-speed imag-

ing. Integrated actuators (thermal or piezoelectric) allowed

increased bandwidth (0.6–6 kHz) by bending the cantilever

over sample topography rather than moving the sample up

and down with a piezotube [201], [202]. Brugger et al.demonstrated lateral force measurements using surface

piezoresistors on AFM cantilevers [203]. Chui et al. [122]later introduced sidewall-implant fabrication for dual-axis

piezoresistive AFM cantilever applications. The dual-axis

AFM cantilevers utilize regions with orthogonal compliance

to reduce mechanical crosstalk when an AFM cantilever is

operated in a torsional bending mode and allow improved

measurement of lateral forces at the tip (Fig. 21). Brugger et al.also fabricated and tested ultra-sensitive piezoresistive

cantilevers for torque magnetometry [204]. Hagleitner et al.fabricated the first parallel scanning, piezoresistive AFM

cantilevers integrated with on-chip circuitry using Comple-

metary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology

[205]. A review of advances in piezoresistive cantilevers for

AFM until 1997 is available elsewhere [206].

Piezoresistive cantilevers have also been widely usedfor environmental [207], chemical [208], [209], and bio-

logical [210]–[218] sensors. Boisen et al. developed AFM

probes with integrated piezoresistive read-out for envi-

ronmental sensing [207]. The sensors had a resolution

less than 1 A and facilitated measurement in both gaseous

and liquid environments. Franks et al. fabricated piezo-

resistive CMOS-based AFM cantilevers for nanochemical

surface analysis application [219]. Baselt et al. reviewedmicromachined biosensors and demonstrated the use of

piezoresistive AFM cantilevers for the study of interac-

tions between biomolecules and chemical sensors [210].

Fig. 21. (a) Dual-axis AFM cantilever with orthogonal axes of compliance. Oblique ion implants are used to form electrical elements

on vertical sidewalls and horizontal surfaces simultaneously. (b) SEM Image of a dual-axis AFM cantilever. Reprinted with

permission from Chui et al. [122]. � 1998 American Institute of Physics.

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Piezoresistive cantilevers have also been used formaterials characterization [220]–[222], liquid or gas

flow velocity sensing [223], [224] and data storage

applications [225]–[227]. However, researchers have

found that thermal-based cantilevers perform better

(more than one order of magnitude) in terms of sensitivity

and resolution for data storage applications compared to

the piezoresistive cantilevers [228]–[230]. Aeschimann et al.developed piezoresistive scanning-probe arrays for opera-tion in liquids [231]. Their cantilevers were passivated

with 50-nm silicon nitride films over the piezoresistors

and 500-nm silicon oxide films over the metal lines. They

also fabricated ‘‘truss’’ cantilevers to reduce the hydrody-

namic resistance or damping in liquids.

Researchers have also pushed the limits of micro-

fabrication to make ultra thin cantilevers. Harley and

Kenny fabricated 890 A thick single crystal siliconcantilevers using epitaxial deposition with sensitivity of

5:6� 10�15 N=ðHzÞ1=2 in air [131]. Liang et al. showed

700 A thick n-type piezoresistive cantilevers with sensi-

tivity of 1:6� 10�15 N=ðHzÞ1=2 at 1 kHz [132]. Harley and

Kenny and Liang et al. formed the piezoresistors by

growing doped epitaxial layers, which allowed the

fabrication of ultra thin piezoresistors and cantilevers.

However, Bergaud et al. showed that ion-implantationtechnique could also be used to fabricate ultra-thin piezo-

resistors (900 A) by implanting Boron Fluorine (BF2) into

germanium-prearmorphized silicon [232]. They found that

the experimental sensitivity was 80% of their theoretical

prediction and that the germanium prearmorphization

step did not affect the sensitivity of the piezoresistors.

Bargatin et al. developed a novel method to detect dis-

placement and resonance up to 71 MHz using piezo-resistors as signal downmixers [233]. They tested their

scheme using nanoscale silicon and AlGaAs piezoresistive

cantilevers (1100-A thick) and demonstrated that the

downmixed signal is approximately 1000 times larger

than in the standard scheme (using high-frequency net-

work analyzer). The same group later reported nanoscale

silicon carbide (SiC) cantilevers with piezoresistive gold

films for very high-frequency (VHF) applications inScanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) [234]. Their smallest

cantilever, 0:6 �m� 0:4 �m� 700 A, with a first reso-

nant frequency of 127 MHz and 1=f noise corner frequency

of 100 Hz, was sensitive to thermomechanical self-noise.

These devices fall into the category of piezoresistive Nano-

Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS) and reviews on

NEMS are available elsewhere [218], [235], [236].

Harley and Kenny reported optimization of thin (epi-taxial), power-limited piezoresistive cantilevers for AFM

applications [149]. The methods and analyses are extensible

to other types of piezoresistive sensors. Three design aspects

were discussed: geometric (thickness, length, and width),

processing (dopant depth, dopant concentration, and sur-

face treatment and anneal), and operation (bias voltage).

Park et al. [57] extended this optimization to the general

case of ion-implanted piezo resistors. Sensitivity in a singlepiezoresistor, ion implanted cantilever may be expressed as

SF� ¼�RR

12 l� 12

lp� �

�l max








; (15)

where SF is the force sensitivity (V/N), �l max is the maximum

longitudinal piezoresistive coefficient (Pa�1), l is the length of

the cantilever (m), lp is the length of the piezoresistor (m), b isthe width of the cantilever (m), t is the thickness of the

cantilever (m), p is the doping density (cm�3), � is the dopant

mobility (cm2 V�1 s�1), q is the electronic charge, P is the

piezoresistance factor, z is the distance to the neutral axis of

the cantilever and �� is the efficiency factor,

�� ¼ 2








: (16)

The efficiency factor, ��, accounts for an arbitrary doping

profile, e.g., ion-implanted, convolved with the stress profile

and competing effects of dopant diffusion on sensitivity.

Yu et al. performed a similar analysis for piezoresistivecantilevers used in micro-channels [183]. Yu et al. also

compared types of piezoresistive material (amorphous,

microcrystalline, and single-crystal silicon) in their analysis.

Yang et al. reported design and optimization of piezoresistive

cantilevers for biosensing applications using finite element

analysis, and analyzed the change in relative resistivity in the

presence of a chemical reaction [213]. Optimization of

piezoresistive cantilevers for chemical sensing has also beenshown to differ significantly from optimization for force or

displacement probing [389], [390]. Hansen and Boisen

provided design criteria for piezoresistive AFM cantilevers

by investigating the devices’ noise performance [181]. They

took into account vibrational noise of the cantilever, Johnson

and 1=f noise of the piezoresistor, and the effect of self-

heating from the input power on the total noise.

B. Strain GaugesThe measurement of strain is important in numerous

applications in science and engineering and metallic strain

gauges are widely used. The measurement principle is based

on the change in electrical conductance and geometry of a

stretched conductor, as described in Sections II-A3 and II-B.

Higson reviewed advances in mechanical bonded resistance

strain gauges, from their introduction in 1938 to 1964 [237].

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The discovery of the piezoresistive effect in silicon andgermanium by Smith in 1954 [30] generated significant

interest in semiconductor strain sensing. Kulite Semicon-

ductor and Microsystems developed commercial products in

the late 1950s [33]. These first-generation semiconductor

strain gauges were used for making stress measurements.

The gauges were organically bonded to metal flexural

elements to make pressure sensors, load cells and accel-

erometers (Fig. 2). More recently stress sensitive rosettepatterns have been integrated onto silicon die to measure

integrated circuit packaging stresses [238] Creatively,

Schwizer et al. used piezoresistive rosettes to measure wire

bonding forces and flip chip solder ball process parameters

[239], [240]. Planar arrangements of pseudo-hall effect

strain sensors have also been demonstrated for 3D sensing

when coupled with an input arm such as a joystick or

coordinate measuring probes [59], [391].

C. Pressure SensorsPiezoresistive pressure sensors are some of the

most reported and developed micromachined devices.

Esashi et al. [241] reviewed micromachined pressure sensors

with various transduction mechanisms and principles. In

this paper, we focus on piezoresistive pressure sensors,

which typically measure deflection (deformation) of a thincircular or rectangular membrane (diaphragm) under an

applied external pressure (Fig. 22). The membrane may be

made from the same material as the wafer substrate (silicon,

diamond, etc.) or CVD-based thin films (oxide, nitride, etc.).

Integrated piezoresistors are formed by dopant diffusion, ion

implantation, or doped epitaxy. Maximum stress occurs at

the edge of the membrane so piezoresistors are usually

located near the edge to maximize sensitivity.Kulite-Bytrex and Microsystems introduced commercial

metal-diaphragm pressure sensors in the late 1950s [33].

Semiconductor-based strain gauges were epoxy-bonded to

the surface of a machined metal diaphragm. Typically, four

semiconductor strain gauges were employed, two in tension

at the diaphragm center and two at the edge, allowing

configuration into a four active arm Wheatsone bridge

which: provided a voltage output proportional to �R=R,increased sensitivity, nulled the output, and provided a first

order correction for zero shift with temperature. These

sensors were intended for high-cost, low-volume industrial,

aerospace, and biomedical applications. These miniature

devices had relatively low performance by today’s standards.

They suffered especially from poor zero stability due to the

mismatch between the thermal expansion coefficients of

the silicon strain gauge and the stainless steel diaphragmand the relatively poor stress transmission characteristics of

the metal-epoxy-silicon interface, which caused creep and

hysteresis. In 1959, Burns patented one of the earliest

diaphragm-based piezoresistive semiconductor micro-

phones [242]. Although intended as acoustic transducers,

the operation principles were similar to those of piezo-

resistive pressure sensors.

In 1962, Tufte et al. [36] reported the first siliconpressure sensors with piezoresistors integrated with the

diaphragm using dopant diffusion. These diffused piezo-

resistive pressure sensors eliminated the epoxy bonding

and replaced the metal diaphragm with single-crystal

silicon, improving the performance of the sensors signif-

icantly. Following this, Peake et al. [243] developed an

integrated circuit digital, diffused silicon, piezoresistive

pressure sensor for air data applications in 1969.

Fig. 22. Illustration of a piezoresistive pressure sensor. (a) Top view of

piezoresistive pressure sensor. Four piezoresistors are placed on each

edge forming a Wheatstone bridge circuit. (b) Cross section A-A

showing deflected diaphragm with piezoresistors at maximum stress

locations. (c) Photograph of a pressure sensors with four 3C-SiC

(a polytype of silicon carbide, see Section IV-A) piezoresistors.

From Wu et al. [336]. � 2000 IEEE.

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In the late 1960s and early 1970s, three microfabricationtechniques, anisotropic chemical etching of silicon, ion

implantation, and anodic bonding, were developed. These

techniques played a major role in improving the perfor-

mance of microfabricated pressure sensors. Anisotropic

etching and anodic bonding allowed batch fabrication of

pressure sensors, reducing the cost of the production. In

addition, these technologies enabled miniaturization, in-

creased sensitivity, and precise placement and dose of thepiezoresistors. In 1967, Stedman [244] pioneered bossed-

diaphragm pressure sensors. Samaun et al. [245] used

anisotropic etching to form the silicon diaphragm and

showed a significant increase in sensitivity of the sensor.

Wilner [246], [247] further improved sensitivity and

linearity by placing piezoresistors in the transverse direction

at the concentrated stress locations and introduced sculp-

tured diaphragms. In 1977, Marshall [248] at Honeywellpatented the first silicon-based pressure sensor using ion

implantation. In 1978, Kurtz et al. [249] at Kulite Semi-

conductor invented a low pressure, bossed-diaphragm,

pressure transducer with good sensitivity and linearity at

low pressure. In the 1970s, Kulite Semiconductor and

Honeywell, Inc. began to produce and make widely available

commercial integrated pressure sensors. Clark and Wise

enabled refined designs with derivation of the governingelectromechanical equations of thin diaphragm silicon

pressure sensors using finite difference methods [250].

The solutions were presented in dimensionless form

applicable to anisotropically etched square diaphragms of

arbitrary size and thickness.

From the 1980s to the present, continued improve-

ments in fabrication technologies, such as anisotropic

etching, photolithography, dopant diffusion, ion implan-tation, wafer bonding, and thin film deposition, have

allowed further reduction in size, increase in sensitivity,

higher yield, and better performance (Fig. 23). Several

microfabrication techniques have been developed and

employed to precisely control diaphragm thickness.

Jackson et al. and Kim and Wise used an electrochemicalP-N junction as an etch stop, taking advantage of

significantly different etch rates of p-type and n-type

silicon (3000:1 in ethylene diamine-based etchants) [251],

[252]. Kloeck et al. [253] reported improved output

characteristics of piezoresistive pressure sensors fabricated

with electrochemical etch-stop techniques. In the late

1980’s Novasensor introduced the use of silicon fusion

bonding to MEMS sensors [254]. NovaSensor used thistechnique combined with controlled thinning techniques,

such as boron etch stopped etching and p-n electrochemical

etching, to produce a number of piezoresistive sensors.

These sensors included low-pressure sensors with sculp-

tured bosses, high-pressure and high-temperature sensors,

sensors with precision stop overload protection, and

accelerometers [255]–[258].

Chau and Wise [259] provided scaling limits for ultra-miniature and ultra-sensitive silicon pressure sensors based

on Brownian noise, electrical noise, electrostatic pressure

variations, and pressure offset errors due to resistance

mismatch. Spencer et al. [260] compared noise limits for

piezoresistive and capacitive pressure sensors integrated with

typical signal conditioning for varying diaphragm thickness,

diameter, and gap. Regardless of the sensor dimension,

piezoresistive sensors configured in a Wheatstone bridgeachieved the best resolution. Sun et al. [261] presented a

theoretical model of the reverse current (leakage current

across the piezoresistor-substrate p-n junction) and its effect

on thermal drift of the bridge offset voltage. They found

cleaner processing, gettering of metal impurities, and

contamination control reduced the reverse current and

offset errors.

Bae et al. [262] reported a design optimization of apiezoresistive pressure sensor considering the piezo-

resistor lengths and number of turns and showed that

the optimal design is significantly different when noise in

considered. The optimal output signal-to-noise ratio was

2.5 times that of the sensor designed maximizing the

Fig. 23. The evolution of micromachined pressure sensors from 1950s to 1980s. After Eaton and Smith [102].

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output voltage alone. Kanda and Yasukawa consideredseveral factors in their optimization of piezoresistive

pressure sensors including: the shape of the diaphragm

(square or circular); the thickness uniformity of the

diaphragm (with or without a center boss); anisotropy of

the piezoresistivity and elasticity; and large deflection of

diaphragms [46]. They introduced a new index, �(modified signal-to-noise ratio), which allowed them to

optimize the crystal planes of the diaphragm and thecrystal directions of the piezoresistors, regardless of the

dimensions. They found that a square diaphragm with a

center boss on a (100) plane with four piezoresistors

aligned along the h111i direction was the optimum

design. Bharwadj et al. reported on signal-to-noise ratio

optimization of piezoresistive microphones and took into

account the placement of piezoresistors, geometry,

process condition, and bias voltage [182]. These micro-phones are based on a pressure-sensitive diaphragm,

similar to that of pressure sensors.

The design, manufacture and processing of silicon

piezoresistive pressure sensors has achieved a high level of

sophistication. An example is the Bosch piezoresistive

pressure sensor shown in Fig. 24. This sensor is used to

measure atmospheric and manifold pressure in electronic

engine control systems. Researchers at Bosch developed anew technique for these piezoresistive pressure sensors

using porous silicon and epitaxy to form a single crystal

silicon membrane and vacuum cavity without bonding

[263], [264]. This approach saves wafer real estate and is

CMOS compatible.

Most pressure sensors manufactured today still use

piezoresistive transduction. Advantages of piezoresistive

sensing compared to capacitive sensing include ease ofdifferential pressure sensing configurations and freedom

from the film stress related errors and failures of surface


D. Inertial Sensors

1) Accelerometers: Accelerometers are another heavily

commercialized MEMS application. A comprehensivereview of micromachined inertial sensors, including piezo-

resistive accelerometers, was provided by Yazdi et al. [265],

Accelerometers are widely used in automotive (crash

detection and stability control), biomedical (activity mon-

itoring), consumer electronics (portable computing, cam-

eras lens stabilization, cellular phones), robotics (control

and stability), structural health monitoring, and military

applications. Gyroscopes can be used together withaccelerometers to provide additional information on angu-

lar velocity for navigation purposes in automotive, robotics,

and military applications.

A mechanical accelerometer consists of a proof mass, m,

sprung from beams (spring constant, k), anchored to a fixed

substrate (Fig. 25). The proof mass motion is damped by

viscous effects (damping constant, b) of any surrounding

fluid. The resonant frequency ð!oÞ and the quality factor

ðQÞ of the system can be calculated from

Q ¼ m!o



!o ¼ffiffiffiffik


r: (18)

In the late 1960s, Gravel and Brosh [266] reported on adiffused, chemically micromachined, integrated silicon

beam accelerometer. Roylance and Angell introduced

the first fully integrated piezoresistive micromachined

Fig. 24. Bosch porous silicon pressure sensor. (a) Sensing diaphragm

and cavity cross section. (b) Pressure sensor with mixed signal

integrated CMOS signal conditioning electronics. (c) Ceramic surface

mount packaged sensor. � Bosch. Pictures: Bosch.

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accelerometers in 1978 for biomedical applications [267],

[268]. The accelerometer consisted of a piezoresistive

cantilever with an integrated micromachined lumped mass

at the end and a diffused piezoresistor at the root of the

flexure. The device layer was fully packaged inside a pair of

pyrex glass wafers. The glass wafers served to protect the

device from the environment and to limit proof mass travel.Barth et al. [269] introduced the first commercialized

piezoresistive accelerometer using silicon fusion bonding to

provide an integral package and over pressure stop.

Monolithic integration of piezoresistive accelerometers

with CMOS circuitry subsequently improved the output

readout and accommodated temperature compensation

circuitry [270], [271]. Allen demonstrated piezoresistive

accelerometers with self-test features [272]. Chen et al.integrated a novel vertical beam structure in a piezoresistive

accelerometer to allow in-plane and out-of-plane accelera-

tion measurements [273]. Kwon and Park [274] fabricated a

three axis piezoresistive accelerometer using bulk micro-

machining and silicon direct bonding technology using a

polysilicon layer. Partridge et al. [123] and Park et al. [124]

used oblique ion-implantation for the piezoresistors with

DRIE to fabricate devices designed for lateral accelerationsensing. These devices also incorporated a novel wafer-level

packaging technique using a thick polysilicon epitaxial cap

to seal the devices and protect the piezoresistors from harsh

plasma processing. This protection reduced the noise and

package footprint [275]. Park et al. also reported using a

fully packaged sub-mm scale piezoresistive accelerometer,

for vibration measurements in middle ear ossicles (Fig. 26).

This technology could provide an alternative sensingmethod for implantable hearing aids [276]. Lynch et al.integrated piezoresistive planar accelerometers with wire-

less sensing unit for structural monitoring [277].

Today, piezoresistive transduction vies with capacitivetransduction as the most popular sensing mechanism for

commercial accelerometers. Many Japanese accelerometer

manufacturers (e.g., Hitachi Metals, Matsush*ta, Fujitsu,

and Hokuriku) use piezoresistive transduction, while man-

ufacturers from the US and Europe (e.g., Bosch, Freescale,

Kionix, STMicroelectronics and Analog Devices) focus

mainly on capacitive sensing. Other companies, such as

SensoNor (now Infineon) and Novasensor (now GE sensing)have also demonstrated piezoresistive accelerometers in

production. Both sensing mechanisms utilize CMOS inte-

grated circuits for amplification and compensation, either a

monolithic (Analog Devices) or hybrid approach. Large

manufacturers of automotive sensors prefer capacitive

sensing with integrated self-test by electrostatic actuation.

Three-axis sensing capability, size, and cost are becoming

important factors as demand for consumer electronics withaccelerometer sensing increases, especially in portable

devices and game consoles.

Fig. 25. An accelerometer is modeled as a second order system with a

proof mass (m), spring (k), and damper (b). The displacement (x) is

proportional to the acceleration (A) in the x-direction. The range of the

proof mass movement is limited by the end stops, which protect the

device from shock damage.

Fig. 26. (a) Oblique-view SEM of a sidewall-implanted (41� from the

vertical axis) piezoresistive accelerometer with a 20-�m-thick epi-poly

encapsulation. (b) Optical photograph of the completely packaged

piezoresistive accelerometer with flexible circuit wiring. The sensor is

shown in the background of table salt crystals. From Park et al. [276].

� 2007 IEEE.

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2) Gyroscopes: Inertial gyroscopes measure rate ofrotation and operate by detecting inertial resistance to

changes in velocity, e.g., by detecting precession forces

when tilting a spinning mass or via Coriolis forces on a

vibrating mass. Most micromachined gyroscopes are based

on vibration and use the transfer of energy between two

orthogonal vibration modes via the Coriolis force. The

Coriolis force, Fc, induces acceleration (in y) of the mass

proportional to vibration velocity (in x) and angular rate ofrotation (about z): Fc ¼ 2 m�Xip!r cosð!rtÞ, where m is

mass of the proof mass, is magnitude of a rotation

vector, and Xip!r cosð!rtÞ is the in-plane velocity of the

proof mass (Fig. 27). Micromachined gyroscopes are

difficult to manufacture because they require a high

performance resonator and an accelerometer coupled in a

high-vacuum hermetic package. Few MEMS gyroscopes

utilize piezoresistive detection but these require anothertransduction method for the vibration, e.g., Paoletti et al.and Voss et al. demonstrated piezoresistive sensing in a

tuning-fork gyroscope driven by piezoelectric and electro-

magnetic forces, respectively (Fig. 28) [278], [279].

Gretillat et al. improved this design by creating a higher

symmetry mechanical structure using Advanced Deep

Reactive Ion Etching (ADRIE) and separating the first and

second resonant frequencies [280].Most micromachined gyroscopes are based on vibration.

Vibratory gyroscopes use the transfer of energy between two

vibration modes by the Coriolis force. Micromachined gyro-

scopes are difficult to manufacture, as they require a high

performance resonator and an accelerometer, coupled in a

high-vacuum hermetic package.

In most commercial MEMS gyroscopes, the same

transduction scheme is preferred for both resonatoractuation and acceleration sensing for ease of integration,

e.g., piezoelectric or capacitive; this is one reason why

piezoresistive gyroscopes are not seen in production.

Another reason is the 1/f noise source. In most rate sensing

applications, i.e., navigation, the primary variable of

interest is position. However, a gyroscope senses rate of

rotation and to obtain position the output of gyroscope

must be integrated. As with any integration, the slightestoffset errors will induce an increasing (ramped) error in

the integrated position. Hence, the zero stability and 1/f

noise of gyroscopes are of enormous importance for

position sensing applications. Piezoresistor transduction

has inherent 1/f noise that limits the useful integration

time (accuracy) on the device output. Capacitive sensing

gyroscopes are more commonly employed because they do

not exhibit 1/f noise at the transducer. However, withprogress in very low 1/f noise piezoresistors [56], piezo-

resistive gyroscopes may soon appear with new possibil-

ities of improved quadrature signal cancellation.

3) Shear Stress Sensors: The accurate measurement of

wall shear stress (or skin friction) is important for both

applied and basic problems. From improving the aerody-

namic design of a vehicle body to understanding theformation of atherosclerosis on the wall of human blood

vessels [281], shear stress measurement provides key input to

understanding the fluid flow physics. Naughton and Sheplak

reviewed three relatively modern categories of skin-frictionFig. 27. A MEMS gyroscope is driven in one axis and

sensed in an orthogonal axis.

Fig. 28. Gyroscope with electromagnetic excitation and

piezoresistive detection. From Paoletti [278]. � 1996 IEEE.

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measurement techniques that are broadly classified asMEMS-based sensors, oil-film interferometry, and liquid

crystal coatings [282]. While MEMS-based techniques show

great promise, further development is needed and piezo-

resistive shear stress sensors are an area of active research

[282], [283]. Piezoresistive shear stress sensors commonly

utilize a floating-element anchored to the substrate via four

piezoresistive tethers (fixed-guided beams). The displace-

ment of the floating element due to the integrated shear stress(force) is detected as bending stress in the piezoresistors.

Ng et al. [284] and Shajii et al. [285] used wafer-bonding

technology to fabricate floating-element (120 � 140 �m2)

sensors. Piezoresistors were fabricated on the top surface of

the tethers using ion implantation (Arsenic at 80 keV and

7� 1015 cm�2 dose). In operation, the fluid flow direction

was parallel to the tethers such that a shear force over the

element loads two of the tethers in axial compressive stressand the other two in axial tensile stress. The sensor was

designed to detect high shear stresses (1–100 kPa) in high

pressure (6600 psi) and high temperature (220 �C) liquid

environments, and was tested in a cone-plate viscometer.

We used oblique (20�) ion-implantation to form piezo-

resistors on the sidewall of two tethers and a normal sur-

face implant for two other tethers (Fig. 29) [53]. The

sidewall piezoresistors are sensitive to lateral deflections(Fz and My in the flow direction), while the normal

piezoresistors are sensitive to flow fluctuations producing

out-of-plane deflections (Fy and Mz). Thus, each sensor

enabled simultaneous measurements of normal and shear

stresses. The floating element ð500� 500 �m2Þ was

defined using frontside and backside silicon DRIE pro-

cesses. A hydrogen anneal (1000 �C and 10 mTorr for

5 minutes) smoothed the DRIE scallops before ion-implantand improved the 1=f noise level of the oblique-implanted

piezoresistors by an order of magnitude. The sensors were

designed for harsh, liquid environments, and were tested in

a gravity-driven flume [150]. Li et al. also developed

piezoresistive shear stress sensors using oblique ion-

implantation technique, optimizing the geometry of the

piezoresistors and the sensors, as well as the dopant

concentration and bias voltage [125], [286]. Other piezo-resistive 3D stress sensors have been used to measure

multi-axis tactile or traction forces for biological [287]–

[289], robotic [290], and device packaging applications

[59]–[61], [69], [153], [291]–[294]. Noda et al. fabricated

2-D shear stress sensors for tactile sensing with standing

piezoresistive cantilevers embedded in polydimethyl-

siloxane (PDMS) [295]. Fan et al. and Chen et al. have

designed, fabricated, and characterized artificial-hair-cell-based piezoresistive flow sensors for underwater applica-

tions [296], [297]. These artificial haircells are inspired by

biological hair-cells and utilized arrays of piezoresistive

cantilevers with posts (hairs) normal to the cantilever. These

sensors can also be used to measure shear stress with similar

principles to those of piezoresistive fence-based shear stress

sensors [298], [299].

Fig. 29. (a) Piezoresistive floating-element MEMS shear stress sensor.

Each sensor consists of two top-implanted and two sidewall-implanted

piezoresistors. The sidewall-implanted piezoresistors are sensitive to

in-plane stress (shear stress), while the top-implanted piezoresistors

are sensitive to out-of-plane stress (normal stress). Thus, each sensor

enables simultaneous measurements of normal and shear stresses.

(b) SEM image of a 500-�m square floating element. (c) SEM image of

one of the tethers with a sidewall-implanted piezoresistor.

Reprinted from Barlian et al. [53] with permission from Elsevier.

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E. Signal Conditioning andTemperature Compensation

As discussed in Sections II-D2 and II-E1, piezoresistors

are also sensitive to temperature variations. In many cases,

the resistance change due to temperature is higher than that

of the desired signal. The electronics can correct for these

changes. Moreover, processing variations also give rise to

different piezoresistive characteristics, which in turn alter

the temperature characteristics of each sensor. However,each piezoresistive sensor can be individually calibrated to

achieve high accuracy. The most common temperature

compensation techniques in piezoresistive sensors use

identical resistors in a Wheatstone bridge configuration.

Co-fabricated piezoresistors of the same design exhibit

similar temperature dependence; therefore, the zero output

of a compensated Wheatstone bridge remains constant with

temperature changes (to first order). This scheme trades offfavorably for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with increased

sensitivity despite increased noise e.g., Mallon et al. [56].

Temperature-sensing resistors may also be co-fabricated

with stress-sensing piezoresistors and used as bridge

elements. These resistors should be placed near one another

to minimize the effects of process variation. Modern

electronics can ultimately correct all repeatable errors. If a

piezoresistive sensor is heated and then cooled to the initialtemperature, then the output should be the same for the

same input. However, small differences are observed

between temperature cycles. This thermal non-repeatability

is one of the fundamental limits of sensor accuracy, not

correctable with signal conditioning circuits.

Prior to 1980 most of the temperature compensation

circuits for piezoresistive sensors employed trim resistors

with or without low noise bipolar amplifiers. Laser-trimmedresistors are used to adjust the offset, span, nonlinearity and

other errors of piezoresistive sensors. Laser-trimmed ampli-

fiers are rather bulky due the mechanical limits placed on

the trim resistors. CMOS circuitry became the dominant

source of signal conditioning after 1990. The need for even

smaller, more accurate, and cheaper sensors was an impetus

for the transition to CMOS. The bipolar technology, an

analog technology, does not offer the functionality of adigital technology (CMOS) measured in terms of cost per

power per functionality. The push toward CMOS technology

evolved with the availability of non-volatile memory (NVM).

The laser-trimmed resistors were then replaced with digital-

to-analog converters (DAC) and memory. By use of double

correlated sampling, offset and low frequency noise of the

CMOS circuit are sampled and stored on a capacitor and in

the next cycle they are subtracted from the original signal.Hence rendering the CMOS amplifier almost ideal in the

low frequency region relative to the sampling frequency. In

CMOS, the need for digital output is easily addressed by

integrating the analog to digital converter with the sensor. A

majority of designs incorporate sigma-delta converters

(Fig. 30) as the primary analog to digital converter (ADC)

architecture due to its inherent robustness [300], [301].

By use of analog circuit techniques and NVM, the needfor laser trimming as a means of sensor compensation was

eliminated and the power of digital technology was used to

compensate and calibrate the piezoresistive sensors. This

technology enabled unprecedented sensor accuracy at very

low cost [302].

There are two main architectures for piezoresistor

temperature compensation, i.e., fully digital path and

digitally controlled analog path [303]. Digital path archi-tecture uses an ADC to digitize the sensor and temperature

signal and then uses a mathematical equation to compen-

sate offset and span. If an analog output is needed then the

compensated digital data is fed to a DAC. This architecture

is the most flexible but has some inherent problems that

limit its use in control loops. One of the main drawbacks is

the delay time from the input to output. The ADC, the

microprocessor, and the DAC all need processing time, thisdead time may not be tolerated in feedback control. In

contrast, the analog path architecture takes advantage of

the fact that temperature is a slow signal. Hence, delay in

processing of the temperature signal is not of concern. The

digitized temperature signal is mathematically processed

and controls an analog path by changing the gain and the

offset of wide-band amplifiers, which inherently have small

delays.The question of integration of the sensor with elec-

tronics mainly depends on the application. Generic signal

conditioning circuitry consists of an excitation circuit, a

bridge circuit, an amplifier, and a filter [51]. These compo-

nents all contribute to the overall resolution of the system

(Fig. 31). Ishihara et al. developed the first CMOS inte-

grated silicon diaphragm pressure sensors in 1987 [304].

Since then, CMOS circuitry has been integrated with pie-zoresistive MEMS devices, such as AFM [63], [195], [205],

[216], [219], [305]–[307] and force or stress sensors [59],

[61], [68], [290], [292], [294], [308]–[310]. Mayer et al.determined three piezoresistive coefficients, �11, �12, and

�44, of an nþ diffusion of a commercial piezoresistive

CMOS chip using a novel method by subjecting the chip to

three different stress fields [311]. This method can be used

to calibrate CMOS-based piezoresistive stress sensor chips.Baltes et al. reviewed advances in the CMOS-based MEMS

until 2002, including microsensors and packaging, and

discussed some key challenges and applications for the

future [312], [313]. Recently, more advanced techniques

have been employed to achieve better control in tempera-

ture compensation. Chui et al. took advantage of the

dependence of the piezoresistive coefficient of silicon on

crystallographic orientation, and showed an order of mag-nitude improvement in thermal disturbance rejection over

conventional approaches using uncoupled resistors by using

piezoresistors in both the h100i and h110i directions [314].

Mallon et al. used a modulation-demodulation circuit

to measure 1=f noise of piezoresistors at low frequencies

[56]. The modulation demodulation technique is primarily

used for low noise and low frequency detection of a sensor

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signal. This technique overcomes the high noise of

electronics at low frequencies since all linear non-switched

electronic amplifiers exhibit higher noise at low frequen-

cies. The bridge is excited with sinusoidal voltage (10 Vpp).

The output of the piezoresistive bridge is proportional

to the applied voltage multiplied by conductivity variation.

The modulated output of the piezoresistive bridge is thenamplified (�1000) using a high frequency low noise

amplifier (TI103), and then bandpass-filtered to reduce the

effect of noise folding (bandwidth �200 Hz, center

frequency 500 Hz). Using a multiplier with gain of 4=�(AD630) the signal is demodulated. The signal is finally

low-pass filtered with a three pole filter (Fig. 32).

F. Device Design SummarySince the discovery of piezoresistance, several genera-

tions of commercial device designers and academic re-

searchers have designed piezoresistive sensors for diverse

applications. However, all piezoresistive sensors have

fundamental tradeoffs between sensitivity and noise. The

piezoresistor geometry, device geometry, and fabricationprocess must be designed together for low noise and high

sensitivity to achieve the required resolution. Design

constraints and flexibility have evolved with mainstream

Fig. 31. The power spectral density (PSD) and integrated force noise of

a measurement system using an AD622 instrumentation amplifier and

piezoresistor bridge. All components in a signal conditioning circuit

contribute to the noise and resolution of the system. Courtesy

of Sung-Jin Park [54], reprinted with permission from PNAS.

Fig. 30. (a) CMOS integrated piezoresistive cantilever array (two scanning cantilevers and one reference cantilever) (b) Micrograph of the overall

sensor CMOS signal conditioning circuit (c) Array of 12 cantilevers (the inner ten can be used for scanning while the outer two serve as a reference).

The dimensions of the scanning cantilevers are 500 �m� 85 �m. From Hafizovic et al. [305], reprinted with permission from PNAS.

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semiconductor technology providing new processes such

as ion implantation and reactive ion etching. As discussed

already, several investigators have provided detailed device

optimization analyses for given applications within very

specific constraints [46], [57], [149], [181]–[183], [213],[262]. No concise, generic design guidelines exist for all

devices types and the sensitivity and noise are convolved

with the geometry and mechanics of any particular device.

However, the design criteria for the piezoresistor itself can

be described by a rich parameter space and we review here

many that are directly in control of the designer.

Design parameters include: dopant type, energy, and

deposition method; the type, temperature and time ofanneal(s); the thickness ðtpÞ, length ðlpÞ, and width ðwpÞ of

the piezoresistor and their relation to device geometry

(e.g., ratio of piezoresistor length to beam length); and the

number of dopant atoms ðNÞ in the piezoresistor volume.

The geometry and dimensions of the device are designed in

parallel to meet bandwidth, dynamic range, sensitivity,

and resolution requirements. Particular attention to the

tradeoffs in parameters is required when pushing towardsvery small sizes, high sensitivity, or large bandwidth.

Figs. 12, 15, and 18 and (13) and (14) provide quantitative

guidance in the tradeoffs in selecting dopant concentra-

tion, anneal, and bias voltage to increase sensitivity and

decrease noise. For example, the minimum force resolu-

tion in an ion implanted, end-loaded, piezoresistive canti-

lever in a 1/4-active Wheatstone bridge may be expressed

as a function of (11), (12), (15), and (16) as




2lpwpNzln fmax


� �þ8kBTRs



3 l�12lpð Þ�l max

2wt2 �� Vbias


where is the ratio of the strained region of piezo-

resistance to the unstrained resistance path.

However the optimization must also be tempered with

application specific requirements for device size, power

dissipation, bandwidth, dynamic range, linearity, and tem-perature stability. For example, reduced power dissipation

argues for higher overall resistance (lower N) and lower bias

voltage. Lower carrier number ðNÞ concomitantly increases

the 1=f noise, resistance, sensitivity, temperature coeffi-

cients of sensitivity and resistance, while higher resistance

increases Johnson noise. In determining dimensions for a

displacement sensing cantilever, Table 3 provides a rela-

tional matrix between parameters the designer can tune totailor device performance.

Generally, larger dimensions allow better sensitivity

and larger piezoresistor size which lowers noise and im-

proves heat dissipation. Beam dimensions are selected for

dynamic range, sensitivity, and bandwidth. Minimum

thickness is limited by process capability (Section III-C)

and should also be selected to achieve appropriate piezo-

resistor strain and account for strains from residualstresses in dielectrics or thin films. Well-prepared, small-

diameter samples of silicon exhibit high fracture stress

[315], while processed MEMS devices of millimeter di-

mensions exhibit lower values [316].

Once devices are fabricated, testing usually involves

characterization of noise power spectral density and sensi-

tivity calibration of individual devices after packaging and

integration with signal conditioning. The noise integratedover the measurement or application frequency band sets

the resolution, reported by converting voltage output to

the measurand using the sensitivity calibration. Calibra-

tion methods vary from device to device but should be

accomplished over the temperature range, dynamic range,

and bandwidth appropriate to the application. For exam-

ple, piezoresistive cantilevers calibrated with an electro-

static force balance at the U.S. National Institute ofStandards and Technology (NIST) are promising metrol-

ogy devices as force transfer standards for MEMS and AFM

users [317], [318].


Most commercial and research piezoresistive MEMSdevices and microsystems utilize silicon and germanium,

or their alloys. For example, Lenci et al. reported the first

experimental values of piezoresistive coefficients in

polycrystalline silicon-germanium and demonstrated a

pressure sensor of this material [319]. They found

longitudinal and transverse piezoresistive coefficients of

4:25� 10�11 Pa�1 and 0:125� 10�11 Pa�1, respectively.

However, with advances in materials science and proces-sing, newer materials are currently being developed for

MEMS and microsystems. These materials have advan-

tages over silicon in some applications (e.g., higher melting

temperature, higher/lower modulus of elasticity, or higher

piezoresistive coefficients). In this section, we review four

novel materials that could complement silicon in piezo-

resistive sensing applications.

Fig. 32. Modulation-demodulation circuit for low frequency low

noise detection.

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A. Silicon CarbideSilicon Carbide (SiC), with superior mechanical prop-

erties, such as higher Young’s Modulus (424 GPa), higher

sublime temperature (1800 �C), higher thermal conductiv-

ity, and inertness to corrosive environments, is an attractive

new material for MEMS and NEMS devices [320]. In addi-

tion to its superior mechanical properties, single crystal SiC

also has a wider band gap (2.39–3.33 eV) compared to that ofsingle crystal silicon (1.12 eV) [320]. This reduces the effect

of thermal generation of carriers that results in increased

reverse leakage current across a p-n junction, at high tem-

peratures. Werner and Fahrner summarized electronic

maximum operating temperature and band gaps for several

semiconductor materials [321]. SiC has several advantages

over other wide-bandgap materials (GaAs, diamond, etc.),

including commercial availability of substrates, some deviceprocessing techniques, and the ability to grow stable native

oxides [320]. Nevertheless, obtaining a high-quality oxide

with low interface state and oxide trap densities has proven

challenging because of the carbon on the surface, as well as

off-axis epitaxial layers which have rough surface morphol-

ogies [322].

SiC has about 200 known polytypes. The physical

properties of each polytype vary. A complete review of SiCcrystal structures and polytypes is available elsewhere

[323]. The most common ones are 6H-SiC, 4H-SiC, and

3C-SiC. Polytypes 6H-SiC and 4H-SiC have a hexagonal

crystal structure (-SiC), while 3C-SiC has a cubic crystal

structure (�-SiC). In one of the earliest systematic studies

in the piezoresistivity of 3C-SiC, Shor et al. measured

the longitudinal and transverse gauge factors as a function

of temperature for two different doping levels [324].

Ziermann et al. reported the first piezoresistive pressure

sensor using single crystalline �-SiC n-type piezoresistors

on Silicon-on-Insulators (SOI) substrates [325]. Studies

performed on the piezoresistivity of a-SiC have shown

negative gauge factors as large as �35 for longitudinal

and �20 for transverse gauge factors [326], [327]. A

summary of published piezoresistive data for both - and

�-SiC through 2001 was presented by Werner et al.(Fig. 33) [328].

In contrast to its single crystal counterpart, polycrys-

talline SiC exhibits positive gauge factors of smaller

magnitude. Strass et al. provided a summary of the gauge

factor of polycrystalline SiC as a function of temperature

and doping [329]. At room temperature, the gauge factor is

around 6 for undoped and 2–5 for doped polycrystalline

SiC. The shift from negative to positive values wasexplained by the greater influence of grain boundaries in

polycrystalline wide-bandgap materials compared to poly-

silicon. The piezoresistance also depends on the temper-

ature, the crystal orientation, and the doping type.

Piezoresistance of polycrystalline �-SiC fibers has also

been studied [330]. With a gauge factor of 5 in 14-�m

diameter �-SiC fibers under tension, SiC fibers have been

used for continuous reinforcement of high-temperaturestructural composites for their oxidation resistance. Their

piezoresistive properties are useful to monitor strain in

these composites.

Additionally, theoretical investigations of the piezore-

sistivity in the cubic 3C-SiC and hexagonal n-type 6H-SiC,

based on electron transfer and the mobility shift mecha-

nism, have been performed [331], [332]. In the hexagonal

6H-SiC, the anisotropic part of the piezoresistance tensor

Table 3 Example Design Matrix Showing Relationship of Parameters in Piezoresistive Cantilever Beam for Displacement Sensing [Trends Within the

Ranges of Figs. 12, 15, 16 and 18 and (13) and (14)]. As the Controlled Design Parameter Increases (While Other Parameters Are Held at Typical Values and

Input Displacement is Fixed), the Observed Parameters Respond as: Increasing ð"Þ, Decreasing ð#Þ, Weak or No Relation ð�Þ. Note: ð�Þ Please See Fig. 15.

Vb, Vb, and Dt are the Dopant Concentration, Bias Voltage, and Diffusion Length, Respectively. tp, wp, and lp are the Piezoresistor Thickness, Width, and

Length, Respectively. h, b, and L are the Cantilever Beam Thickness, Width, and Length, Respectively

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vanishes in the (0001) plane and only the isotropic part

remains. As a consequence, longitudinal, transverse, and

shear gauge factors and properties are isotropic in the

(0001) plane.Several SiC-based piezoresistive MEMS devices have

been developed to withstand harsh operating environ-

ments, such as high impact/acceleration (40 000g) [333]

and high temperatures (200–500 �C) [334]–[336]. Com-

plete reviews of SiC-based MEMS and NEMS, especially

for harsh environment applications, are available else-

where [321], [328], [337]–[340].

B. DiamondDiamond is also an attractive new material for micro-

mechanical devices for elevated temperatures and harsh

environments [321], [328], [341], [342]. Superior proper-

ties, compared to silicon, include physical hardness, higher

Young’s modulus, higher tensile yield strength, greater

chemical inertness, lower coefficient of friction, and higher

thermal conductivity. Experimental values for Young’smodulus of CVD diamond have been reported from 980 to

1161 GPa [341].

Doping of diamond can be done in-situ during film

growth, or using other standard techniques, such as ion

implantation and high-temperature diffusion. Werner et al.summarized both longitudinal and transverse piezoresis-

tive coefficients reported by various research groups before

1998 (Fig. 34) [342]. The reported piezoresistive GF ofsingle crystal and poly-crystalline diamond are typically in

the ranges of 2000–3836 and 10–100, respectively [343].

Polycrystalline diamond has a higher GF compared to that

of SiC, but like the other piezoresistive properties, these

values depend greatly on the doping concentration and


The relatively low GF of polycrystalline diamond isusually attributed to its polycrystalline structure. A study of

intra- and inter-grain conduction in large-grain CVD

diamond showed the intra-grain resistivities are lower

than those of grain boundaries [343]. The intra-grain GF

over 4000 for a large grain (50–80 �m) polycrystalline

diamond is the largest piezoresistive effect reported for any

material. However, the GF deteriorates when grain

boundaries are included in the conductance path, with aGF of 133 when the conductance path includes eight grain-

boundaries. Yamamoto and Tsutsumoto suggested two

methods to improve the GF of polycrystalline diamond

films [344]. The first was to decrease the ratio of carbon to

hydrogen when depositing boron-doped diamond films.

Decreasing the ratio of C-O/H from 5.5% to 2.2%,

increased the GF from 3 to 30. In this case, the quality

of diamond was improved by decreasing the C-O/H ratioand the GF increased as the diamond quality was improved

and the grain size became larger. A second method varied

boron doping time and the boron-doped layer thickness.

Varying doping time from 3 to 10 minutes (corresponding

to layer thickness of 0.1 to 0.33 �m) increased the GF from

0 to 50.

C. Carbon Nanotubes (CNT)Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are graphene sheets rolled-

up into cylinders with diameters as small as one nanometer

and lengths as large as centimeters. This form of carbon

was first reported by Iijima in 1991 [345]. Mechanically,

nanotubes are among the strongest and most resilient

materials known in nature. CNT Young’s modulus is on the

order of TPa with tensile strength two orders of magnitude

higher than that of steel [346]. Electronically, CNTs canbe metallic, semiconducting, or small-gap semiconducting

(SGS) [347]. Qian et al. reviewed theoretical predictions and

Fig. 34. The summary of published average longitudinal and

transverse piezoresistance coefficients in boron-doped polycrystalline

diamond by Werner et al. [342]. The published gauge factor data were

converted to piezoresistive coefficients assuming Young’s modulus of

1143 � 109 Pa. After Werner et al. [342]. � 1998 IEEE.

Fig. 33. Longitudinal gauge factor in h100i direction for �-SiC as a

function of temperature for different doping levels from various

researchers [324], [325]. Werner et al. noted that these experimental

data are in good agreement with the theoretical gauge factor predicted

by electron transfer mechanism theory [81] in many-valley

semiconductors [328]. After Werner et al. [328]. Reprinted with

permission from Wiley.

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experimental techniques that are widely used for visualiza-tion, manipulation, and measurements of mechanical

properties of CNTs [348]. Most experiments use an AFM

tip to deflect a CNT suspended over a trench and several

experiments have measured electromechanical properties of

CNTs [349]–[351]. The piezoresistance is attributed to

energy band shifts and is observed as a shift in nonlinear

CNT I-V curves. Fung et al. integrated bundled strands of

CNT on polymer-based diaphragms of microfabricatedpressure sensors using dielectrophoretic (DEP) nanoassem-

bly [352]. Grow et al. reported measurements of the elec-

tromechanical response of CNTs adhered to pressurized

membranes [353]. Single-tube CNTs adhered to silicon

nitride membranes by van der Waals interactions, were

electrically connected in-situ and assumed to experience the

same strain as the membrane (Fig. 35). The conductivity of

the CNT decreased as the membrane was pressurized (0 �15 psi). This CNT pressure sensor had a resolution of 1 psi

with CNT gauge factors of 400 and 850 for semiconducting

and SGS tubes, respectively. Possible applications include

integration of nanotubes on or in a variety of substrates,

including flexible plastics. Chiamori et al. [354] incorporated

single-wall nanotubes (SWNT) into the negative resist

material, SU-8, and investigated the SU-8/SWNT nano-

composite electromechanical properties, such as effectiveYoung’s modulus and piezoresistivity. We found a gauge

factor of 2–4 for the 1–5 wt% (weight percent) SU-8/SWNT

composite and an effective Young’s modulus of about

0.5 GPa for the 1 wt% composite. Complete reviews of

electromechanical properties and other applications of CNT

are available elsewhere [347], [355], [356].

D. NanowiresNanowires, also known as quantum wires, are electri-

cally conducting wires, in which quantum transport effects

are important. As the width of the wire is reduced to Fermi

wavelength scale, the conductance between the electrodes

connected by the nanowire is quantized in steps of 2e2=h(where e is the charge of the electron and h is the Planck’s

constant) and conductance is no longer dependent on the

length of the wire [357]. Different types of nanowires, e.g.,

metallic, semiconducting, insulating, and molecular (or-ganic and inorganic) have different electromechanical pro-

perties. Nanoindentation is a popular method to determine

the hardness and elastic modulus of nanowires, such as

gallium nitride (GaN) and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires,

tantalum oxide (Ta2O5) nanowires, single-crystal and poly-

crystalline copper nanowires, and gold nanowires [357]–

[362]. Zhu and Espinosa, Desai et al., and Lu et al. have also

developed MEMS experimental test beds for electro-mechanical testing of nanowires [359], [362], [363].

To date, relatively few reports on the development of

silicon nanowire-based sensors are available [364]. How-

ever, p-type single crystalline silicon nanowires have been

studied for sensor applications [365], [366]. Separation by

implanted oxygen (SIMOX), thermal diffusion, electron

beam (EB) direct writing, and reactive ion etching (RIE)

have been used to fabricate silicon nanowire piezoresistors[365]. Both the longitudinal and transverse piezoresistive

coefficients, �l½011� and �t½011�, are dependant on the cross

sectional area of the nanowires. The �l½011� of the nanowire

piezoresistors increased (up to 60%) with a decrease in the

cross sectional area, while �t½011� decreased with a de-

crease in the cross sectional area (Fig. 36). The enhance-

ment behavior of the �l½011� was explained qualitatively

using 1-D hole transfer and hole conduction mass shiftmechanisms. The decrease in the �t½011� with decrease in

the cross sectional area is due to decrease in the stress

transmission from substrate to the nanowire. The maxi-

mum value, �l½011� of 48� 10�11 Pa�1 at a surface con-

centration of 5� 1019 cm�3, suggests enough sensitivity for

sensing applications. Dao et al. incorporated these p-type

silicon nanowires as piezoresistive elements in a miniatur-

ized 3-degrees-of-freedom (3-DOF) accelerometer [367].

Fig. 35. (a) Schematic of a CNT device on a membrane (b) Optical

microscope image of a membrane with electrodes (c) Zoomed in image

of devices near the edge of a membrane (d) SEM Image of a CNT

crossing the gap between two electrodes (�800 nm). Reprinted with

permission from Grow [353]. � 2005 American Institute of Physics.

Fig. 36. Size (cross sectional area) effect on longitudinal and

transverse piezoresistive coefficients in boron-doped nanowires

fabricated using electron beam (EB) lithography and

reactive-ion-etching (RIE). After Toriyama [366]. � 2002 IEEE.

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Roukes and Tang patented strain sensors based on

cantilever-embedded nanowire-piezoresistor wires and

ultra-high density free-standing nanowire arrays [368].

He and Yang reported on very large piezoresistance

effect (commonly referred to as ‘‘giant piezoresistance’’) in

p-type silicon nanowires, particularly in the h111i direction

[369]. The measured piezoresistance values were a function

of the nanowires diameters and resistivities, with the largestvalue of �3550� 10�11 Pa�1 in the longitudinal direction.

Silicon nanowires in the h111i direction, with diameters of

50–350 nm and resistivities of 0.003–10 � cm, were grown

and anchored to a silicon substrate (from SOI wafers) to

form a bridge structure (Fig. 37) and uniaxial stress was

applied to the nanowires using a four-point bending setup.

Cao et al. explained the giant piezoresistance phenomenon

in h111i silicon nanowires based on a first-principles density-functional analysis and identified ‘‘the strain-induced bandswitch between two surface states, caused by unusual relaxationbehavior in the surface region,’’ as the key contributor [370].

Their model and calculations captured all the main features

of the experimental results by He and Yang. Following

the experimental results from He and Yang, Reck et al.used a lift-off and an electron beam lithography (EBL)

technique to fabricate silicon test chips and study thepiezoresistive properties of crystalline and polycrystalline

nanowires as a function of stress and temperature [371].

Compared to the bulk silicon’s piezoresistive effect, they

found a 633% and 34% increase in piezoresistive effect for

the crystalline and polysilicon nanowires, respectively. They

also found that the piezoresistive effect greatly increases as

the nanowire diameter decreases, consistent with the

results from He and Yang [369].


With the discovery of the large piezoresistive coefficients in

silicon in 1954, the study of piezoresistance moved from

scientific inquiry of a material property to extensive

investigation, development and commercialization. Piezo-

resistor development largely followed that of the main-stream semiconductor industry. Integration of piezoresistors

with micromachined flexure elements enabled widespread

implementation of these MEMS sensors. Piezoresistance has

become a fundamental sensing modality in the toolbox of

MEMS sensor designers. Recent research focuses on driving

to the nanoscale, using high band gap semiconductors to

make high pressure, high temperature sensors, and applying

piezoresistive cantilevers to biological and chemical sensing.Building on over fifty years of research, the field remains

active and vibrant. h


The authors are grateful to Dr. M. A. Hopcroft,

Dr. M. Doelle, P. Ponce, N. Harjee, S.-J. Park, and P. Lim

for helpful discussions.


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A. Alvin Barlian received the B.S. degree with Honors and

Distinction from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in 2001

and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University,

Stanford, CA, in 2003 and 2009, respectively, all in mechanical


His doctoral research focused on the development of micro-

fabricated piezoresistive shear stress sensors for harsh liquid

environments, characterization of microfabricated piezoresistive

cantilevers for force sensing applications, and a novel sidewall

epitaxial piezoresistor fabrication process for in-plane force

sensing applications (U.S. patent, pending). In 2008, he worked on the characterization

of capacitive RF MEMS switches as an Interim Engineering Intern with the Technology

R&D Department at Qualcomm MEMS Technologies.

In 2007, he was presented the Centennial Teaching Assistant Award by Stanford

University for his efforts in co-developing a micro/nanofabrication laboratory course at

Stanford University. In 2005, he received the Best Poster Award for the most outstanding

poster presentation at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and

Exposition in Orlando, FL. In 2001, he was inducted into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa

Phi and he received the John M. Bruce Memorial Scholarship from Purdue University. He

was the P.T. Caltex Pacific Indonesia scholar from 1998 to 2002.

Barlian et al. : Review: Semiconductor Piezoresistance for Microsystems

Vol. 97, No. 3, March 2009 | Proceedings of the IEEE 551

(PDF) Review: Semiconductor Piezoresistance for Microsystems - DOKUMEN.TIPS (40)

Woo-Tae Park received the B.S. degree in

mechanical design from Sungkyunkwan Univer-

sity, Seoul, Korea, in 2000, the M.S. and Ph.D.

degrees in mechanical engineering from Stanford

University, Stanford, CA, in 2002 and 2006


For his graduate degree work, he worked on

optical measurements for electrical contact defor-

mation, wafer scale encapsulated MEMS devices,

and submillimeter piezoresistive accelerometers

for biomedical applications. After graduation, he started as a senior

packaging engineer at Intel, designing silicon test chips for assembly, test,

and reliability. He is nowwith Freescale semiconductor, working onMEMS

process development in the Sensor and Actuator Solutions Division.

Dr. Park has authored seven journal papers, fifteen conference papers

and holds one patent.

Joseph R. Mallon, Jr. received the B.S. degree in

science (cum laude) from the Fairleigh Dickinson

University and the MBA degree in Management,

Marketing and New Venture from California State

University, Hayward, CA. From 1965 to 1985,

Mr. Mallon was the Vice President of Engineering

for Kulite Semiconductor Products, one of the

earliest MEMS sensor companies. From 1985 to

1993, he was the Co-President, COO, Co-Founder,

and Director of NovaSensor, a venture funded

Silicon Valley firm that helped establish MEMS as a widely known and

commercial technology. Mr. Mallon was the Chairman and CEO of

Measurement Specialties, a publicly traded sensor manufacturer, from

1995 until 2002. Currently he is studying and doing research at Stanford

University along with his position as the CEO of axept. Mr. Mallon is a

pioneer in MEMS technology with forty-five patents and over sixty

technical papers and presentations.

Ali J. Rastegar received the B.S. and M.S. degrees

in electrical engineering from the Worcester

Polytechnic Institute in 1982 and 1984, respec-

tively. He then joined Analog Devices as an

integrated circuit design engineer where he

developed several high-speed, state of the art

analog-to-digital converters. In 1992, he founded

MCA-technologies which was purchased by

Maxim integrated products in 1997. In 2001

Mr. Rastegar became fascinated with the infor-

mation storage capabilities of living cells and decided to further his

understanding by pursuing the Ph.D. degree and joining the Stanford

Microsystems Laboratory. Mr. Rastegar has designed more than

54 integrated circuits and holds eight issued U.S. patents.

Beth L. Pruitt (B.S. MIT 1991, M.S. 1992 and Ph.D.

2002 Stanford University) developed Piezoresis-

tive Cantilevers For Characterizing Thin-Film Gold

Electrical Contacts during her Ph.D. In 2002 she

worked on nanostencils and polymer MEMS in the

Laboratory for Microsystems and Nanoengineer-

ing at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

(EPFL). She joined the Mechanical Engineering

faculty of Stanford in Fall 2003 and started the

Stanford Microsystems Lab. Her research in-

cludes piezoresistance, MEMS and Manufacturing, micromechanical

characterization techniques, biomechanics of mechanotransduction,

the development of processes, sensors and actuators as well as the

analysis, design, and control of integrated electro-mechanical systems.

Her research includes instrumenting and interfacing devices between

the micro and macro scale, understanding the scaling properties of

physical and material processes and finding ways to reproduce and

propagate new technologies efficiently and repeatably at the


Prior to her Ph.D. at Stanford, Beth Pruitt was an officer in the U.S.

Navy, at the engineering headquarters for nuclear programs and as a

Systems Engineering instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy, where she

also taught offshore sailing.

Barlian et al.: Review: Semiconductor Piezoresistance for Microsystems

552 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 97, No. 3, March 2009

(PDF) Review: Semiconductor Piezoresistance for Microsystems - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


What is the piezoresistive effect of a semiconductor? ›

What is a piezoresistive effect? The piezoresistive effect is a change in the electrical resistivity of a material (e.g. semiconductor, metal) when mechanical strain is applied. The electrical resistance change is due to two causes; geometry change and conductivity change of the material.

How does a piezoresistive pressure sensor work? ›

What is a piezoresistive pressure sensor? In piezoresistive pressure sensors, the measuring element is a silicon-based Wheatstone-Bridge. It extends minimally under pressure changing the electrical resistance in this way. This effect is commonly referred to as piezoresistive effect.

What is the longitudinal piezoresistance coefficient in connection with strain gauges? ›

The piezoresistive coefficient is highly anisotropic and quite different for n and p-type material. The longitudinal and transverse piezoresistive coefficients are given by: Figure 5.29. Wheatstone bridge configuration for a strain guage. (5.3) π l = π 11 + 2 π 12 + π 44 − π 11 l 1 2 m 1 2 + l 1 2 n 1 2 + m 1 2 n 1 2.

Is silicon piezoresistive? ›

Single crystal germanium and silicon, both of which have a diamond lattice crystal structure, were the first materials widely used as piezoresistors.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of piezoresistive sensors? ›

Advantages and disadvantages

Piezoresistive strain gauge pressure sensors have the advantage of being robust. Their performance and calibration is also stable over time. One disadvantage of these sensors is that they consume more power than some other types of pressure sensor.

What is the difference between piezoelectric and piezoresistive? ›

Piezoelectric is the property of a material to generate a voltage when mechanical force is applied to it. In contrast, the piezoresistive effect is the property of a material's resistivity to change when subjected to a mechanical force.

What are the disadvantages of piezoelectric pressure sensor? ›

The main limitation of piezoelectric sensors is that they can only be used for dynamic pressure measurement. The sensors are sensitive to vibration or acceleration, which may be common in the applications where they are used. This can be minimised by using an extra “compensation” sensor attached to a dummy mass.

How accurate is a piezo pressure sensor? ›

Sensitivity. The output is linear over a wide range, typically 0.7 KPa to 70 MPa (0.1 to 10000 psi) with an accuracy of about 1%.

What is the range of piezoresistive pressure sensor? ›

Piezoresistive pressure sensors can be used from about 3 psi to a maximum of about 14,000 psi (21 KPa to 100 MPa).

What is the piezoresistive behavior? ›

The piezoresistive effect is a change in the electrical resistivity of a semiconductor or metal when mechanical strain is applied. In contrast to the piezoelectric effect, the piezoresistive effect causes a change only in electrical resistance, not in electric potential.

What is the piezoresistive principle? ›

Key Takeaways. The change in electrical resistance under mechanical strain is called the piezoresistive effect. Transducers and sensors working on the principle of the piezoresistive effect are used in automobiles and commercial devices to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy and vice versa.

What is the piezoresistance factor? ›

Piezoresistance factor P(N,T) as function of impurity concentration and temprature for p-type silicon. Piezoresistive pressure sensors based on silicon have a large thermal drift because of their high sensitivity to temperature.

Who discovered piezoresistivity? ›

1 Brief history. The effect of piezoresistance in germanium and silicon was discovered by C.S. Smith in 1954 [1]. It was found that the resistance of a germanium or silicon filament changed when the material was stressed.

What are the applications of piezoresistive sensor? ›


Household Appliances: Washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners; Automotive Applications: Oil level, gas level, air pressure detection; Biomedical Applications: Blood pressure measurement, etc...

What do piezoresistive sensors measure? ›

Piezoresistive sensors quantify force by sensing the corresponding change in electrical resistance of semiconductive materials such as silicone.

What is the principle of piezoresistive effect? ›

The change in electrical resistance under mechanical strain is called the piezoresistive effect. Transducers and sensors working on the principle of the piezoresistive effect are used in automobiles and commercial devices to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy and vice versa.

What do you mean by piezoresistivity? ›

Piezoresistivity is defined as change of resistance of semiconductors from the applied mechanical stress.

What is the effect on semiconductor? ›

However, in a semiconductor the lower density of electrons (and possibly holes) that can respond to an applied field is sufficiently small that the field can penetrate quite far into the material. This field penetration alters the conductivity of the semiconductor near its surface, and is called the field effect.

What is the effect of conductivity of semiconductors? ›

Electrical conductivity increases in semiconductors with increasing temperature. As you increase the temperature, electrons from the valence band are able to jump to the conduction band, creating free movement between the two bands, thus, increasing the conductivity.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.