Los Angeles Evening Citizen News from Hollywood, California (2024)

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Hollywood, California

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Wednesday? October 10 1934 Page Four "2foITofaoob Citura-N rba i FOR CHINESE RICHARD-DKrTOSTAR IN IRISHiREBEL FILM Hr nSzABETH YEAMAN term terheoow Irish rebel HoiVio Find the Woman Ifefeiid Dl ii pill In hla neat eterrtag picture for Radta Hs will play the tiU rata la which -will 1m lliplri la lha aeraaa fram tha jonral of tha aama tttla tar I Jam )ta OTlabertgr Tin Irttt' aaUiar of pavris Ml play waa brought Holly-mH aoaia avmtha ip by UK' iMIa Tha Informer Ulsid- In tho stoma of Dublin and pennants a plha officer -whose apnpathira tarn th rabrtai-' During tha Ml Informer fortha re bell fettle wtttWtttaM rowtt C8ttn GHra ml Edna rrA Beak' It waa palled Tha Tha derision to atar DU In Tha taforwer" ay- pareatly postpones rather Indefinitely tho original' I plan to atar him la a alary of Ma own bneaatar 'V CoL John Brimmer an A meric aa pioneer who hadexdtlng adventures with tbe Indiana signed only a twa-pictura contract with Radio pnd- Uio ancestor atory waa Drat alad to ho mfedo aa ana of tha two Of aaura Dlii I a ray alga ay for anma maro picture after tha eamplottoa of Tha Informer" Ho hao aa qualm about Oa Iriah braguator tha latter film rine ha adopted a Angus fay hla tola la "Tha Great WnilainOargtn retunMd to Hollywood fram England thla morning and found a rale walling fhr him at Warner where heihaa been algned con Jaapep" ts A tons contrast Th contract waa negotiated1 white gargan wn ntllj MdGrsunuui' haa evolved ne plana for hter toteraatlonally knowi movie house the Chine ached led to 'rrapM'Oct-lR--'-' Th 'theater which formerly1 boused protagua and record runs of road-how films will -devoted henceforth to a pollcj--' two-week engagemend Oran- man announced definitely There Will he no reserved ssxti ths Chlneae and all aft actions 7 will be offered at popular prlcaa Three show per day IH of- fared regularly with four Shows on Saturday Sundays and holldaya Ths brevity of tho ragsgsmsnlx vajh-frauntan dsclarsd will in nn wim -alon alter ths high quality of the shows Tha tenprerarlo will continus to of-U fer th pick bf flist-rua major film atlracttos n1 ta impreprivfaeas 1 OhnsTaTWtoatM hy the fact -that ha signed th radoiiMabto Rap Palgs to preside over tha-em ehestra which will provide tho mu-Dlcksnslaa steal background for tha'ataga of- faring "Tha Affairs CelllpL Twentl-eth' Century productlod will bo ths first of tha attractions at tbs ness under the new Grauman policy Lavishly produced the pie- -tun will present two front-ranking Kara Frodrlsr March and Constance Bennett In the leading rales The story! of course 1s that of the Hal- -Ian goldsmith whose love exploits and duels added almost aa much to his fame as Ms cherished erf objects "It Is my earnest desire Gran By JAMES FRANCUi CHOW liHIT KSTKCTATrOR-A I pKrniai plHars 7 lllrvrlrd Ale ii aihrr- Crrssa Wmrt i narls loser rninTib awl kkrlea liwfc-M PNeleameAeC by XW Mo The raitlr Hesry Hall fWllly HHme Myalt NerC yinrli 1 SulHvao Alan Male Hb(-arta Ottlaae Weerae Nivabrton alter Armllaae Jaekle -Searl Wlj d-yao Vlralels nanHMMS Aaae arC J-errerteV Harvey Velerl MB Marry (enllaa Jlaoalae Ww Heart OorraaC rbllls INikl Pre-tleaed at fasteae-RallfwaodjTben- With tho atlU puissant name of Charles Dickana to lend It strength at tho ho officer ih Larmmla have something very much like a triumph com-merclally' and artistically -In mwaaw Carl Lacmmle for I I drawn characterisation a so ihattarh flguro to Ihe film play stand out sharply from all the-others and leaves its own vivid Impression on the mind of tho spectator It la adapted and directed with a fine eenaltivenasa whereby It avoids the -absurdity which' always lurks for tha unwary In lha modern tmtmint of an old-time story Only very seldom does It tepee Into artificiality and atodgl-nesa and even ta theae tepees It can be defended by reference to the orlgtnatr Hnwever beretteal-Jt-gisy eem to soy so Dlcksnl also hadT his off -moments -Perhaps It his been eo long since you read "Greet Expectations' that the story will bear brief repetition hero It follows the( parallri careers of a girl and a fey Tha girl adopted by a hrokan-haartsd woman who was left at the alter bya scoundrelly suitor la trained to eschew all sentiment to Invite ty but never offer It to in abort to exact revenge on mankind on behalf nf har foster parent -The boy te a blacksmith's apprentice suddenly mad wealthy and sale (Turn to Tage I Column I) LAST 'DAY JJeurablE a ho qf at thalr acresn "Great Expects ti oa put on eshl- bltlon a gallsilr Of arresting por- traits by able perfnrmtra who -ha managed toLmond a s' tbal flair 1 in England Hie flrat role will be Id "BJgck Hell" starring Paul Muni T7 Ha la to portray tha toI tfowiphrya ponet- forcer-Winter atdlrthat-lnkglvlngGargan thla tin port ant-role they or grndnjjpg'hlm for atardom a manner almllar to that la whlchethey built up Fat 'j KaroO Harley la another important e'ddltlfn to the eaet of "Black HtU" winning tbe romantlo lead It will hath Drat lima that lflM -Mortey haa played With Muni fine tha two warn together In that early and memorable talkie i d'-e'w "i--'' Majeetie FMnrea la lining np an terra ting eaet for "Tha Perfect Claw" from lha atory by Lolita Amt Wntman Kay Walker living poung eomedlan who la how at Paramount In Hew will kovb-Jb nla af a goad naturad Inebriate who elepea with aa heireaa In The Perfect Clue-" David Manner who atleka dean to hla roach at Victor--Milk will ha aaan aa tut ox-convict la tha Mma ptetura And tha balreaa who eauaea all tha heart trouble win ha Darathy lihalrw Tha ptetura atnrto Mat waek under tha direction of Robert Vignola J'-'- The "paalhor woman? etay on and on at Paramount' proving that the talent eon testa do discover soma candidate to win man than temporary fame' Kathleen Burke has been added again to tha eon tract Hat at Paramount and Gall Patrick la back at tha aameatudlp wbkltdecoveaA Kara-Beth-" woman contact few yea fa ago Ills Patrick wins the mpat Important rale of WARREX' WILLIAM whs haa the rale ef the euperwleiith In "The Case the Howling mystery drama opening tomorrow at-Warner Bros Downtown ThealsfjsnH)nRtra(ea -tha anraemful -worhtngnHl af an agO-ald adago' of tile detective business: find the woman Tho woman te HELEN TRENHOLME a charming newcomer bar career In "Mlaaiaatppl" tha show boat musical which feature Lanny Boas aad C' fields Joan Bednatt has tha fabilalne lead and Hla Patrick will have a mar teas vamp role I Shi should good for a show boat plctura alnca aha can turn on that drawl acquired la her native Georgia -i' A Another In term ting noweomer In tha cant of "Mlaolaalppl" la the 1 Broadway aamedlanna Queenla Smith Mlaa Smith has been featured la such popular Broadway musteali aa "Tip Tara" "Tha Street Singer" aad other She haa luid aa amaulngly varied career atartWig very young aa a premier daneenua at tha Metropolitan Opera and later going into dramatic acting Tha maateal comedy field waa her third change la thf MkiplUnt field She la married to Robert Garland Mew York Aramatto erlUa '-(i assistant director taking you to your own doctor But after ringing few doorbells and making telephone calls in grocery starea gee station and sH you had to go In and let Rickey snd-Caado-s good Job of ewlnf of dynamite at vital spot yOlt rtmi lwiw riwir Wwfc AoWnMritlHil' RA rild ft Jones' locker seed too pounds of eordlte dynamite' He placed cordite wklch TNT In lend sheathing-around tha of the beat and huge Fur dertiollihih Ifle old fni Ifary Wallace haabeen 1 had Urn Id go Hour lata" engaged by Paramount for rate In tha -tela -of Uttlr Em'iy 111 "David opperfleld" Sine tha characlsr Is bar favorite at all tbe Dickena charaetara aha Is eroaalng bar Angers and hoping farvantly that aha wifi win tha assignment a a a Tha raapnnaibtllty at bringing "Anthony Adverse" te toe aeraen idea to Pradueer Edward Chodorav at Warner Chadorav la a writer aa wall aa a auparvtoar of praduettaw And more and more I hear that Robert Donat la Babla to win tbe title role Hla Bureaus In "Tha Count of Manta CMsta" Is largal impanel bla In tha fresh Intereat la him for tha part a trw 0 0 0 pf mW'JWT s7- "Tb under In tha Night" win ha tha tint of tha neat mualcal which Erich Pommar will pradure for pox Pnmmer recently completed 1 "Muilc la tha Air" Joe May Id to direct "Thunder In the Night" and Mona Barrla and Herbert Hundin have been definitely pelactcd for tired rolaa-Mlaa Barrla a suddenly In graat demand nLEoa and la cur-nntly taking tha faalnlna lead In "34 Hours a Day a Wurtuet picture Jack Whltaey whoco film Intenatc center about Tenhntealnr te talk Inf hualaeai pith tha DOyly Carta Company producer of Gilbert and Sullivan aperattaa WMtney la Interna led la the poaalbUlty of bringing "Finals to tha aeraen In Tachnteolar to U-p-ld yralirdayilaltke a-leet for Amerlon'a I dynamiter la at lerf In Hollywood has cracked safes by the srora Mown np ship by the dosen'1 demolished dams thst released destructive torrent Masted homes frant thnlr foundo-ttoflA' nnd set off tons-of expioaivea Just for tho notes Mono Yet ha walks the street of the wood's niovle capital -unmolsalfd not1' only unmolested hut honored aa a succcm to hla' choke it field' of work- -J This anomaly te Harry Bedmond "powderman" of tha KKO-Radio Picture studio of all Mu-dlo so detain sverywhsra-hsvlng been in the gualnesc of creating explosive tlluatorif for 34 pearl "in which time he haa eat off more than 100000 pounds of dynamite1 TNT (trinitrotoluol cOrdlte Meek powder and other InaUnlsnedua comhuetlhlee I Tha expert mlnlatratlone Of Redmond will vlalbla to "Girl of tha fha South Sea Islands thrill dtqma -which George Dram-gold end Jemee SHnckelford photographed largely In Brltllh New Guinea last stand of the atone age men When you sea before your eyee on the eerten a 0000-ton freighter Impaled on a reef suddenly disappear to a Cloud of frag-menta debris and amok you will -Bedmoiid)ai bean' at if gain Thla te not RHmondte flrat shlp Job In the mystery ship picture which featured Robert Armstrong -and William Boyd about two years ago ha had the taek of bloating tho old (siting ship Bohemia 75-year-old veteran of the seven seas that waa sacrificed to the Interests of movie realieip- F0r bending' the Bohemia la Redmond and ring ef mixture ten-ter charges ighler Imond In of ths Bedim says he used about BOO pounds bf dynamite He hsa his own technique for opening safes for motion picture purpofM end can force a Skftrdoor with little as three ounces of black powder Redmond contribute more than ship blast to of th Islands" he te also the studio official log hall snow wind lightning and rain maker He-can produce any kind of a weather disturbance known to meteorology on Just a few knurs' ontfre- Mtorle pradraere theae days isn't afford 1 to' depend an the weather nature serves them an when wind rain and I lightning were required for certain anraea to thin picture Redmond tens called to to "da hte staff" Fox Village Slates Joe Brown Film Tlir Circus' gives Jo Brown great opportunity to display' his genius to thrill and entertain Ihp movie tans Hte unusual experiences Jn circus life sro shared by Patricia' Ellis and a oast of see circus snterislnera In tho film which will open tomorrow-at ths Fox Village Theater "Million Dollar will he the aaandated feature wfjh Mary Carlisle' and Edward Arnold TONITE Warner Bros Studio Feature i Preview aif -t 30 BIG STARS In ISne Kind of Srrpcn Mioit I OF GAB EDMUND M)We -RUTH ETTINO GLORIA PTC ART PHIL BARER PAUL MIAS CHEATER MORRIS RINNtK RARNEA KARLOFF GRAHAM MrNAMEE ALICE HITE AND JUAN OTHERS msttMttMHni CEBS35SBI3 STUART ERWIN EDWARD ARNOLD Dollar mi ruiiM tmxirT Trnrt-R onv roorrx ta AND FOMVEir As atnrt Part Khmi is fty WJXABPTH TEAMAN The charm of plcturto Ilka "Alilp-PjZ nd "little Women" haa been raptured fa Paranount'a prndiio-(Im of "Mra Wlgga of IheCahhege piSelLl whirl opened yeotarday at i FSrataquiit Theater The plo thro fairly drips wHH aentiaiontal comedy and paths- hut the aentt nent haa a (tralght-to-the-beart ik peal knd la never nbapikwa Ihh thermaMh the film heralds a llJr maUee her aereed de- beaullfully aantraUad acting of Him Lord Wlgga of tho Cab)ga Patch" might hva been a sticky cloying mass of Cheap sanllmant Judged by strictly modern standards this -famous old alary 1a distinctly out of data-But with It perfectly balam east fine aeraaa treatment and erring direction of Norman Ta It boeomaa little masterpiece of human Intereat and heart appeal Mlaa Lard taekjad aa extremely precarloue rale for her aeraen debut at Mrs Wlgga For Mra Wlgl was wont to comfort her hungry brood with astoma of lofty philosophy that might easily have Inspired giggles Instead of Uara In tha aud-lencn With her skill aa an actreee Mlaa lard turns on tho tear ducts of har audience at will andjtha moves them- to MOISTfr with equal Never la aha mawkish to rate that tread dangerously dose to Uia abaurd She captures an audlanca that la aagar to ha captl-vatad and tha audlanca lives with har to tho emotional trials that beset the poverty stricken family The Wlgga child mi era charmingly portrayed by George Break aton Jimmy Batter Virgin la WeMler Chrmaadta Johnson aad Edith reUowfc ZaAn ruts' da-lights with her typical eamle In derision aa too spinster neighbor Mlua Haay nnd Fields ap peon briefly hut eomleally hrf magrtega bureau husband Don aid Mean cast as Mr yflfnfpj pftp nly" Hr A ftnal arena two but be Is eaeeUent Tha others am Evelyn enable Charles Middleton and Kant Tay Other principal roles are enacted by a away-hacked horse that la Incredibly funny In appearance end a lever mongrel" flog The tenor who elnga at the opera house alia rates a mention far hla comedy singing but hie name was emitted from the caat aheet- "Mrs Wlgga ef the Cabbage Patch" la a picture that should pull adult heart atringe aa affectively as JOhoqkl jilaan the Children It Is homespun sentiment aa picturesque and appealing as an old sampler And Norman Taurog deaorvaa much pratae for hla fin dlractloa Rubs Wolf again heads the stage show at the paramount which tor eludes the Fanchon and Marco ballet girl and jothar featured acta TONY PASTOR'S PRESENTS NEW SHOWS TONIGHT "The Drunkard old-tlma ifietodrama revival reopen Tony' Pestor'e Theater tonight Combined with a modern mimical revue both attractions being presented In the now popular music hah manner With muilc by Richard ft Gum in revua portion of tha program will introduce a boat of new eoaga Including "Geminheldt nnd Cherlor "Death House Blue" "J'uat Party Man" "No No Joe and' "The Modern BchnUaelbank" The ravna feel urea Hale Dnde-loff German mualcal comedy star In her support appear: Honey Edwards and IN well known dance team -of Rob and Lucille In the cart of tha melodrama' revival art Ann Moultrie John O'Mai ley Nell Keilef Gil Rankin Alan Layne Lloyd Rteptea' Robert Mae-towe Rcoti ftowen and Ted Edwards Paul 1a the director ARMSTRONG RTl'DIRfl LAW Robert Armstrong featured to Rudy Vallrc's Warner Bros lure "Sweat studied tew al tha University ef Washington ADArtfh Moixrwoon ArllLLU ail4 wrstrrn CoatlaawM from UHiaiRV TRMPLK IK "NOW AND FOREVER" l0 DOWN TO THEIR LAST YACHT BEVERLY ratines Hrliut Mary Cart tale la Dollar AIM Dnrathy Jerdnn Nrll HaailHaa la "Two Heads On a' Pillow' IN BBVKKII HILL! CARMEL SIM PANT MONICA BLVD- HAnoin Mnn 'THE CAT'S PAW" PANONOT TONR tHE WORLD MOVES Paramount tea OsMke MaihiK'eitdshlMia "SHE LOVES ME NOT and Olea Sam SHti mm inmnllll la "THEIR RIG MOMENT DEMCPT I hHimtT trmpui ram ronrrn Carols: iomiaiib AND 1 ONlI Down to their Last Yacht Laaaaaaaaaaa IlywMd EGYPTIAN Harold Lloyd I'na Mefkal AU- WORLD MOVES OPT1 Pranchat Tana mt Madallna Carroll dma aaM-todayrto outdo my pro-vteua effort In catering to ihe en tertainment taste of the kml pub-He and the hundreds nf thousands of tourists who rnme here annually The pinna I have ta mind fm Uia future of the Chinese have beFn carefully outlined wlthf but one objective to gtvamy pa-truss a consistent program of stags and screen entertainment of a quality to keeping wltk the Individually that has established the theater at firmly In the amusem*nt world" Al Jolsnn end Ruby Keeler will appear together professionally fnt the drat time to rie Pares Jm jEAiTMUIb vaaau tlasoale If UiuSiRGiET TOMORROW at 2 theatres She was tlx power behind tlx throne all the women wanted to crown her! i-i ONE FOB JOHN Good morning John Beni and howb the old oyo this morning? So far yoii haven't had to read tola aolumn butomeano told us today thst you bed started rah IbUkXto'- tha paper aad aow It'll get in your way each nlng Maybe that a a advantage of having hut om good eye today John Yoa really won't hnvo to head tote If yaw want la Bnt to caae yon do I am writing thla eolwnn for yen no that aaaybo yeu ciha got need to it You hove been working ao hard line you esmo here John that few people a chance to know you ssvo to your fine work eolhe slags and acraen You sro such lulfrlTMteus sort of chop thst you keep pretty much to yourself spending your spare time With youi art and your hooka You oven put It over An the newspapers and the publicity boys thst time you slipped away to get married to pretty Helen Craig tal nted New York stoge artreaa You aay you don't think tk public te Interested In you because you "gone anywhere" yet But you fall right Into our hands yesterday- John In that little acd-deiit'of yours And because tha papers missed the moat Interacting part the story wo are going to let tha rest of Ihs folk In on it -5 happened to be naaliig around as thst locsUou site jetlerday wham' yea accidentally ran tot the point of that sword and almost lost an eye Wander do you hnaw that run around In that mob for several minutes with the Mood atranmlng out of that- aanall artery ao dangerously near your eye? And wonder If -jaw know JhaI what jroa asld whea yon finally dlo ravered you bad been hurt nnd they slopped the rameraa? You say anything about your rareer -or your fare or anything like that "Gee" yon raid "I hope thla wont atop me from being a hie to draw fto off you dashed after receiving first aid treat ment with the old wound still hleJdlng worse than your toe did when stumped It aa a kid 'Csuaa you didn't know that the wound wee pretty deep and they would have ta take a couple of stitches in It You worried only about (hat aye being hurt ao bad you wouldn't -jb abls to draw anymore ao you- Insisted on Tommy Thompson (he rm I I I I ena Near-' mte LI i-J NAfmaCW tHMK LAST TIMKB TONITR FoweU lAyw-TIUN MAN" JOE tlrru ilowM THIIRO-yni-SAT -Recer Pryar UMlhw Asset In the Rain? and 1 rails Howaid BrtH IHvif Human Okie Woman in a thousand? a thousand women in one! dorioua Du Barry rniW And they did a good Job of it wi know they picked up's few places of Our fiead on night end put them ell tack to the right place aad aawad it up a And you wouldn't go home although It waa hurting you quite a Mt you Just ant on tho aide-lines and held a bandage over the eye and waited for them' to prepare the scene again And when' tho camera started grinding again yon didn't ask for anyone to double fur you You took tho bandog off and they photographed tho elherld your face and the battle went On tbe awards flatted the guns waved you ducked atone aad otlcka that might have hart the eye badly bad -you beea hit again Ho that' another reason why we dedicate this column to you John We like chaps like that out here and Old Man Cine mania like to have hla other' reader be Jimt that sort of a guy AC in: YIDDISH CAST OPENS IN NEW-PLAY TONIGHT Tonight Loo Angela playgoers wlli jrUnea tha first Padfle Coast production of Scholom Alelchem's comedy drama which will ataged 'by tho Zac An fries Yiddish Repertory Thi ter it Ml I Figueroa Bt 1 HGolddiggorsndeate with a legend of burled treasure arid tells of -a group of mldweetom farmers who invade a gravgyard in search of tho fortune Haroldtioydi Film Opens Run at Caiynel Harold Lloyd's latest film comedy "The tala of China missionary's son who returns to the United State to find himself a wife opened today on a double-fealur program at the Carmel Theater Una llerkel has tha leading feminine role and the cast Includes George Barbler Alan Dlnehart Nat Pendleton and many others 031 tississ Time -Rat PATERSON Rill ASTH1R Ural' NIS BARN! Rfil HAMILT0I PMAUVWUCJ casniiNMa IKNALTMaLl 4 RICH ACAIN? A I40! CeyAod Ayrei ki FOX WILSHIRE WNNMie ai A Hal iNiHr a a i Frcu Parklof uavumn rBTa ai its or iso Lcarrttd About 1-sslW KswarS Lady )i atel MARau IS ton KWKmevi -rwoiw vmi Now UKnwiaf rmskv HrSiS LOVES ME aaS MscMshsa RtUr Bvsrah as rm NOW PLATING fssrt Asroor few Arrs SIRVANTS ENTRANCI" Also "WI'RI RICH ACAIN" THEATERS A Play of Lav and laughter Mali Weds tad Salt HfATRE MART DOS aaaa esurac Ma Feature Preview nTONIGRT romirNmoN wim an neoixaa How gnu ruuroi Ariin jtVn WsiMSflso I ri-uu Kims ouvkr raMrfrMftaoN "Murder 'Ou tba 'Aisa aumia STUART "Ramanca la lha RalaH cantmmmmggB Mirror HE-tOto ttwrunm txw ATRRI IE I aad Nsrtou IUmuw Tnbla LEGITIMATE rwe PliyooBte NOW CR-1131 HoIItwm! Cll rd RS In HE DOLORES DEL RIO in "MADAME Du BA MY V' ii with VERREE TEASDALE VICTOR JORY REGINALD OWEN OSGOOD PERKINS ANITA LOUSE find 17 atkgr colMred stars in caul of thomatuhl A Wamw BfM PtettifadirMttd by WILLIAM OKnua vrvr- WARNia aaos IVoapnfs LESLIE RTER CIRCUS HUMAN NATURE nr madfmnr utAruunur ii wuitn smith GATEWAY THEATRE RdnwDMmrntlO CffiSaatli 5 j- a 1 5 ANITA STEWART Ginger BOXv ReVUe Icingtr Bx Thtatcr Tlanf rmrrf aa Haaoswat am pusm uuaiai Gigdat al Hunur Tunight ttrsmauinr flnOTINSS'S Parisian Theatre in Vinmel aa Ilk Sturt 1 i OAHf nooPKA-sHiPLFr YcNKin-i AND FOREVER? AIM aiINH'NerMAHON Is STREETS" a laaaowveeeep' TONY wv-oim HSliiEaBffSg 1 mrAasetrill 1 hi m- -q s' a- tt i.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.