6 Ancient Recipes Translated for Modern Cooks (2024)

"Translation of ancient recipes can be difficult," said Amanda Herbert, assistant director for fellowships at the Folger Institute of the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. "It's almost impossible to recreate a recipe precisely the way early modern people would have done it."

Herbert is one of four editors — the team includes people from Germany, Canada and the U.K. — who work on a digital humanities project called The Recipes Project. The website is a place for scholars to post about the work they do with recipes, including recreating recipes from long, long ago.

Part of Herbert's contribution to The Recipes Project is to "excavate early modern recipes and other texts out of the Folger Shakespeare Library's collection." Early modern is the phrase scholars use to describe the period roughly from 1450-1750.

It's interesting to note that the words "recipe" and "receipt" didn't always refer to food and drink only. Recipes were also used to make medicines, conduct scientific experiments, create paints and other decorative arts, and undertake acts of magic, according to Herbert. Our interview focused on the re-creation of food and drink recipes.

The challenges of translation

6 Ancient Recipes Translated for Modern Cooks (1)

"One challenge," said Herbert, "is whether or not to make a recipe translation accurate, or even determine what accurate means. It's difficult for us to approximate early modern recipes. We don't have access to some ingredients, and even if we do, they are so different. Eggs now are twice the size as early modern eggs and their moisture content different. There's a completely different process from farm to table now."

Flour is another ingredient that has changed. Modern strains of wheat and other grains are different than they used to be.

"They have different protein levels," said Herbert. "We've bred them to be more uniform."

Added to the difficulty of accessing ingredients is the way recipes were written long ago.

"Recipes weren't in the same format. They didn't put ingredients first, and they didn't list amounts of most ingredients," Herbert said. "And they almost never included a degree temperature because they did a lot of hearth cooking."

If any temperature instructions are given at all, they'll usually be written in terms of fire.

"A soft fire means low temperature," she said. "How do you translate that to oven temperature?"

In addition to ingredients and cooking methods being different, taste preferences aren't the same. "Our own sense of taste is so marked by what we're used to eating," said Herbert. "Ninety-nine percent of the early modern foods I've tried to recreate don't taste good to me, but they may have to early modern people. They had different palates."

Foods were often combined differently than we're accustomed to. There was a lot of combining of sweet and savory and an extensive use of spices.

"They'd combine lots and lots of every kind of spice you could think of," said Herbert. "That punch of spiciness is not something that is appealing to us today."

Some scholars are totally committed to being as accurate as they can be. But, given the challenges, Herbert's aim is to make early modern recipes work for the modern American palate.

"It's never going to be a perfect recreation. I try my best to put something on my table that will make my family and friends happy," she said.

6 Ancient Recipes Translated for Modern Cooks (2)

One recipe that Herbert has adapted for modern American palates is the Grenville Sweet Potato Pudding found in a recipe collection kept by the Grenville family from 1640-1750.

I've included a link to that recipe and several other early modern or ancient recipes below that others have done the work of translating. I imagine if it's difficult to translate recipes that go to the 1450s, it's even more difficult to translate recipes that go back even further. All of the recipes I'm including here are adapted for modern ingredients and kitchens.

Grenville Sweet Potato Pudding

6 Ancient Recipes Translated for Modern Cooks (3)

This recipe isn't so different from many of the sweet potato puddings or casseroles made today. Instead of sugar to add a little sweetness, it uses sherry (the original recipe called for sweet wine from Spain). The Grenville Sweet Potato Pudding is delicious, according to Herbert.

Ancient Roman Pork with Apples

6 Ancient Recipes Translated for Modern Cooks (4)

Translated from Latin and adapted by Laura Kelley of The Silk Road Gourmet, Ancient Roman Pork with Apples is a way to use leftover pork. It calls for defrutum, grape juice that has been boiled down and made into a syrup, which was a common sweetener used in that time. It seems to be an example of the sweet and savory combo that Herbert spoke about. Kelley says the recipe "balances sweet, sour, salty and bitter" and the "unami factor is through the roof."

Bean cakes

6 Ancient Recipes Translated for Modern Cooks (5)

Here's another example of a sweet and savory combination that isn't something we'd probably put together today. Broad beans, also known as fava beans, are combined into a cake with honey. The ancient Anglo Saxon recipe recreated on Cookit! creates a crisp cake that can be eaten hot or cold.

Mostaccioli cookies

6 Ancient Recipes Translated for Modern Cooks (6)

Since about 300 B.C., variations of these Italian cookies have been made. They're one of the earliest recorded cookies, and they've become a traditional Christmas cookie in modern times. Originally sweetened with mosto cotto (cooked grape must), modern versions use sugar or honey. It seems each region of Italy adds its own twist to mostaccioli, including covering the cookies with chocolate. The Mostaccioli di Mamma cookies from She loves Biscotti are filled with cocoa, almonds and honey and covered in a chocolate coating.

Rab cake

6 Ancient Recipes Translated for Modern Cooks (7)

Legend has it that Pope Alexander III served this cake in 1177 when he consecrated the Assumption Cathedral in Rab, Croatia. This Croatian rab cake, or Rapska sorta from Croatia Week, is shaped like a spiral and filled with almonds and Maraschino liqueur. The icing sugar, or confectioners sugar, sprinkled on top may not be traditional, but the flavors inside are.


6 Ancient Recipes Translated for Modern Cooks (8)

Hummus certainly didn't stay in the ancient world. It's immensely popular today and variations on the original, including sweet dessert hummus, abound. The original recipe for hummus goes back 10,000 years to the Middle East, according to Nanoosh, and calls for four ingredients: chickpeas, tahini, lemon and garlic. Modern versions of the original often throw in olive oil, roasted red peppers, paprika, or salt.

6 Ancient Recipes Translated for Modern Cooks (2024)


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A recent study found what could be the earliest known evidence of ancient cooking: the leftovers of a fish dinner from 780,000 years ago. Cooking helped change our ancestors. It helped fuel our evolution and gave us bigger brains.

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Bread is considered to be first prepared probably some 30000+ years back and is one of the very first foods made by mankind. The earliest proof of making bread loaf occurred with the Natufian hunter-gatherers that lived in the Levant.

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We also have some confirmed cases of people eating food tens of thousands of years old. Like the paleontologists who cooked and ate a dish made with the marrow of a 50,000-year-old horse bone. Or the researchers who ate a piece of meat from a 36,000-year-old bison corpse, for no other reason than to see if they could.

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Humanity's earliest known cooked meal was a 6.5-foot fish | CNN.

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Food & Drink in the Medieval Village

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The diet of the earliest hominins was probably somewhat similar to the diet of modern chimpanzees: omnivorous, including large quantities of fruit, leaves, flowers, bark, insects and meat (e.g., Andrews & Martin 1991; Milton 1999; Watts 2008).

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A new study, published in Nature Ecology and Evolution, suggests that early humans first cooked food around 780,000 years ago. Before now, the earliest evidence of cooked food was around 170,000 years ago, with early hom*o sapiens and Neanderthals using fire to cook vegetables and meat.

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Oldest preserved foods

Honey and alcohols, among others, have been one of the oldest found edible foods. For example ancient Egyptian honey has been found and consumed.

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The first recorded cookbook is said to be four clay tablets from 1700 BC in Ancient Mesopotamia, but by the 1300s, cookbooks were a norm for kings and nobles. In 1390, Forme of Cury (The Rules of Cookery) was published for–but not by–King Richard II.

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A new study, published in Nature Ecology and Evolution, suggests that early humans first cooked food around 780,000 years ago. Before now, the earliest evidence of cooked food was around 170,000 years ago, with early hom*o sapiens and Neanderthals using fire to cook vegetables and meat.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.